Thursday, August 27, 2020
WWI poems and information :: World War 1 I One
Siegfried Sassoon Memoir With war not too far off, a youthful Englishman whose life had until now been devoured with the convention of fox-chasing, bid farewell to his ideal life and headed out on his bike to join the Army. Siegfried Sassoon was maybe the most guiltless of the war artists. John Hildebidle has called Sassoon the "accidental hero." Born into a well off Jewish family in 1886, Sassoon carried on with the peaceful existence of a youthful assistant: fox-chasing, playing cricket, hitting the fairway and composing sentimental stanzas. Being a guiltless, Sassoon's response to the real factors of the war were even more harsh what's more, brutal - the two his response through his verse and his response on the combat zone (where, after the passing of individual official David Thomas and his sibling Hamo at Gallipoli, Sassoon earned the moniker "Mad Jack" for his close self-destructive adventures against the German lines - in the early sign of his distress, when he despite everything accepted that the Germans were altogether to fault). As stated: "now he released an ability for incongruity and parody and contumely that had been dozing all during his peaceful youth." Sassoon additionally demonstrated his blamelessness by opening up to the world about his (as he developed to see that obtuse political initiative was the more prominent adversary than the Germans). Fortunately, his companion and individual artist Robert Graves persuaded the survey board that Sassoon was experiencing shell-stun and he was sent rather to the military medical clinic at where he met and affected . Sassoon is a key figure in the investigation of the verse of the Great War: he carried with him to the war the charming peaceful foundation; he started by composing war verse suggestive of ; he blended with such war writers as Robert Graves and Edmund Blunden; he stood up openly against the war (but then came back to it); he affected and guided the at that point obscure ; he went through thirty years pondering the war through his diaries; and finally he discovered harmony in his strict confidence. A few pundits discovered his later verse ailing in examination to his war sonnets. Sassoon, relating to Herbert and Vaughan, perceived and gotten this: "my advancement has been altogether reliable and in character" he replied, "almost every one of them have disregarded the way that I am a strict poet." Survivors Most likely they’ll before long recover; the stun and strain Have caused their stammering, disengaged talk. Obviously they’re ‘longing to go out again,’ - These young men with old, terrified faces, figuring out how to walk. They’ll so overlook their spooky evenings; their cowed Coercion to the phantoms of companions who kicked the bucket, - Their fantasies that dribble with murder; and they’ll be glad
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Teaching Methods Visual and Performing Arts Essay Example
Showing Methods: Visual and Performing Arts Essay Showing Methods: Visual and Performing Arts Research Report Expressions generally assumed a significant job in the life of the human culture. Normally, it couldn't neglect to influence training. Thus, these days the need to actualize expressions during the time spent training is getting the opportunity to be clear. In such a circumstance, it is important to apply an assortment of showing techniques which essential components and standards of expressions are incorporated into. Concerning paper the conceivable usage of craftsmanship, its standards and components in the instructing of the third grade understudies will be talked about. In this regard, it is conceivable to suggest such strategies as: Craftsmanship extends just as it is conceivable to include understudies in the workmanship by consistently giving them some remarkable bits of craftsmanship. The last might be very productive since when understudies routinely observe works of extraordinary craftsmen of various sorts, they not just see and retain components of workmanship that might be found in a representation for example, however they figure out how to get it. Then again, it is additionally conceivable to execute craftsmanship in the study hall. For example, it is conceivable to solicit understudies to compose a sort from response paper on the artistic creations they’ve just watched or look at some of them. Or there will be consequences, they may likewise endeavor to extend what the artworks and essential components of craftsmanship on an artistic work. For example, it is conceivable to discover regular workmanship components for an artistic creation and a scholarly work, for example, esteem. Simultaneously, artistic creations produce a specific impression because of shading, line, shape, structure, surface, space which structure the general picture inside students’ psyche and help them appropriately comprehend and see a bit of craftsmanship. Simultaneously, so as to build representation and influence essentially all detects it is conceivable to prescribe to create workmanship ventures which at first could just be drawings mi rroring the occasions or the primary characters of the story talked about, for example, or probably it is conceivable to request that understudies discover matches between the material they learn in the study hall and some artwork. Such a correlation can assist understudies with bettering comprehend essential standards of workmanship, for example, balance, differentiate, extent, solidarity, and so forth., which are likewise critical and might be applied in craftsmanship as well as in customary subjects, for example, math or material science, where the ideas of equalization, extent, or solidarity are additionally significant. We will compose a custom paper test on Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer In this manner, it is important to stress that the execution of the two strategies and coordination of workmanship in the training procedure would invigorate the turn of events and positive impression of the essential standards of expressions by understudies. Then again, alongside positive feelings of understudies, the usage of the two strategies would invigorate students’ inventive reasoning that is clearly positive from both masterful and showing perspectives. Simultaneously, it is important to recall that incorporating workmanship in learning process animates innovative reasoning. Indeed, imaginative reasoning is a basic condition for creation even a drawing, and positively for assessment of an artistic creation and its examination for a scholarly work, for example. Anyway, craftsmanship, being executed in instructing utilizing the techniques referenced above, undeniably add to the improvement of students’ tasteful perspectives. At the end of the day, it suits unders tudies to the universe of lovely, great and profoundly social substances. In addition, the usage of the strategies recommended above can be effortlessly anticipated on various subjects and understudies could appreciate them in an alternate circumstance. For example, both pretend and drawing can be similarly effectively utilized in writing and history exercise, for instance, when characters from an abstract story can be subbed by genuine verifiable figures in pretend, or may likewise be introduced in visual structure utilizing drawing. The equivalent might be said about some other subject since the techniques are partly general, and representation is fundamental in any subject. At last, it is important to underline that the two strategies recommended in this paper might be handily applied in the study hall for the third-grade understudies since it compares to their degree of intellectual, mental, and socio-social turn of events. Truth be told, it is very intriguing for the understudies at this stage not exclusively to become familiar with the material of a subject yet in addition uncover the new universe of workmanship, which had extraordinary magnum opuses and long history. Simultaneously, they likewise learn fundamental craftsmanship components and standards which might be applied in various subjects. In this manner, considering all previously mentioned, it is conceivable to presume that it is critical to actualize craftsmanship in the learning procedure. This infers the advancement of instructing strategies that could add to the incorporation of craftsmanship in students’ learning. In such a circumstance visual and performing workmanship, for example, showy pretend and attracting appear to be very effective, particularly at beginning periods of understudies improvement. In this regard, it is of foremost significance to begin the execution of these techniques, just as other comparative strategies, at perhaps more youthful age with the goal that the understudies could become accustomed to such a blend of learning and workmanship. Accordingly, the fundamental components and standards of workmanship would be normally seen by understudies and the learning procedure would be a lot simpler than if there were no connection to expressions. Showing Methods Visual and Performing Arts Essay Example Showing Methods: Visual and Performing Arts Essay Showing Methods: Visual and Performing Arts Research Report Expressions customarily assumed a significant job in the life of the human culture. Normally, it couldn't neglect to influence training. Thus, these days the need to actualize expressions during the time spent training is getting the opportunity to be apparent. In such a circumstance, it is important to apply an assortment of showing techniques which essential components and standards of expressions are incorporated into. As to paper the conceivable usage of craftsmanship, its standards and components in the instructing of the third grade understudies will be talked about. In this regard, it is conceivable to suggest such strategies as: Craftsmanship extends just as it is conceivable to include understudies in the workmanship by routinely giving them some extraordinary bits of workmanship. The last might be very productive since when understudies routinely observe works of extraordinary craftsmen of various kinds, they not just see and retain components of craftsmanship that might be found in a representation for example, yet they figure out how to get it. Then again, it is likewise conceivable to execute workmanship in the study hall. For example, it is conceivable to solicit understudies to compose a sort from response paper on the artistic creations they’ve just watched or look at some of them. Or something bad might happen, they may likewise endeavor to extend what the artworks and fundamental components of craftsmanship on an abstract work. For example, it is conceivable to discover basic craftsmanship components for a composition and a scholarly work, for example, esteem. Simultaneously, works of art produce a specific impression because of shading, line, shape, structure, surface, space which structure the general picture inside students’ psyche and help them appropriately comprehend and see a bit of craftsmanship. Simultaneously, so as to build perception and influence for all intents and purposes all detects it is conceivable to prescribe to create workmanship ventures which at first could just be drawings mirror ing the occasions or the principle characters of the story talked about, for example, or, in all likelihood it is conceivable to request that understudies discover matches between the material they learn in the study hall and some canvas. Such an examination can assist understudies with bettering comprehend essential standards of craftsmanship, for example, balance, differentiate, extent, solidarity, and so forth., which are additionally critical and might be applied in workmanship as well as in conventional subjects, for example, math or material science, where the ideas of parity, extent, or solidarity are likewise significant. We will compose a custom article test on Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Along these lines, it is important to underline that the execution of the two strategies and joining of craftsmanship in the instructing procedure would invigorate the turn of events and positive impression of the essential standards of expressions by understudies. Then again, alongside positive feelings of understudies, the usage of the two strategies would animate students’ imaginative reasoning that is clearly positive from both creative and showing perspectives. Simultaneously, it is important to recollect that incorporating workmanship in learning process animates imaginative reasoning. Indeed, imaginative reasoning is a fundamental condition for creation even a drawing, and surely for assessment of a canvas and its correlation for an artistic work, for example. Anyway, craftsmanship, being actualized in training utilizing the strategies referenced above, certainly add to the advancement of students’ tasteful perspectives. At the end of the day, it suits understudi es to the universe of excellent, great and exceptionally social substances. Besides, the imple
Friday, August 21, 2020
How many engineers does it take to change a light bulb
How many engineers does it take to change a light bulb Answer to the subtext: Meta-phor! Also, a clue to the answer to the title of this entry. If you havent thrown up yet, hang on. My friends from high school are starting to come back to Boston for the summer, and my punny ways are a lot stronger when Im around them; this entry is proof that a post could be hazardous to your mental health. If you walk into it. Did you see that coming? Well, too bad. That will only make the rest of this worse. Before I get fired for writing a blog post containing only puns, however, allow me to write some content. The answer to my riddle: It takes about 8000 engineers to change a (metaphorical) light bulb; 12 to play with the iPad (sigh), a few hundred for the fanfare, and a few thousand more to watch, eat cookies, and clap a lot. Im talking about the MIT 150 convocation! The subject of several recent entries (see below), MIT is currently celebrating its 150th anniversary; its an awesome time to be in, at, and around MIT. Theres all kinds of art, celebration, and other shindig going on; if youve been living under a blogrock (like a normal rock, but blog) recently, though, heres a few examples: A flash mob! An open house! A dude with a yo-yo! Art! Oh boy. Im a little less excited about the art as a whole because every piece of MIT150 art around campus seems to be in white. Could we have had some color? Grumble, grumble, grumble* and other historical goodness (I dig the pictures) And something shiny tonight that will likely end up in the blogs stay tuned! *edit: while I was writing this post, a bajillion new pieces of art have sprung up. One of them looks like a giant sneezed white boogers onto the grass near where I park my car. I am clearly not much of a supporter of modern art. Oh well. Oh, and a Mood Meter: Happy yet? Maybe more links will help! A little while ago some friends and I decided to go play some late night ping pong; we were surprised to stumble upon another large group of people, staying up late and being generally happy in the media lab: Har, har. Anyway, back to the matter at hand: the circus! My way of saying that ceremonial robes look silly. MITs 150th convocation was held at Bostons Convention and Exhibition Center; all morning, there were buses leaving from all over campus to take people there for the big event. When we got there, we filed into the biggest auditorium Id ever seen I think it couldve doubled as an aircraft hangar. There were rows of seats for as far as the zoom lens could see. After we sat down, we were treated to music by Rambax, MITs Senegalese drumming ensemble, and several of MITs orchestral / other music groups whose names I couldnt recall. When it seemed that the crowds had mostly stopped arriving, we were greeted by a video on the absolutely giant display, talking briefly about MITs history of innovation while pictures of MIT through the ages flashed by. The convocation ceremony (which, from the Latin, I take to mean assembly, more or less, but from the event, I take to mean assembly for the renewal of a charter?) consisted of speeches from several important and awesome figures in recent MIT history; we heard from the Chairman of the MIT Corporation, current Institvte President Svsan Hockfield, The Honorable David S. Ferriero 10th Archivist of the United States, who came to us with a special message from his boss Im pretty sure he said his boss was one of these guys. Unless theyre one and the same? We listened to six more presenters after that, among them MIT Institvte Professor and Nobel Prize winner Phillip A. Sharp; however, the one who left the strongest impression on me was Institvte Professor Sheila E. Widnall, also one of two (if I recall correctly) United States Secretaries of the Air Force from MIT. As somebody whos long wanted to learn to fly and is looking at taking pilot lessons over the summer, I was particularly impressed when she told us that she could fly every plane owned by the U.S. Air Force as long as it had a passenger seat :-P and that shed been up in a U2 spy plane. After all those presentations, President Svsan brought out the new charter for MIT, to be signed by twelve Important Persons. There was, however, one major disappointment at the ceremony. They signed it using an iPad. sigh. Afterwards, we gathered for ceremoniously large cookies (like 6 diameter seriously, ceremoniously large, right?) and other snacks. I stopped to take a picture of some particularly bright tulips: shrug, they were pretty. I dont know. Blog relevance? None! And then left. So, now what? Well, now that the metaphorical lantern has been replaced by a low-power LED controlled by an iPad, and the necessary 8000 or so engineers have gathered to ensure that the replacement occurred without a hitch, I guess its on to the next one hundred and fifty years. Right? But first, the next one hundred and fifty psets due before finals. Adios! Schwag. And a pset. PS: If youre curious as to where all the puns went: I wrote the first part of this after hanging out with the aforementioned high school friends; I wrote the second part after having not seen them for a few days. Ah, well. More puns next time!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Gung Ho The World s Most Important Sectors Of The Economy
Gung Ho The auto industry is a part of the world’s most important sectors of the economy. In the post WWII, United States â€Å"produced about 75 percent of the of world s auto production†(Automotive Industry). However, all this statistics changed in the 1980s, when Japan overtook the leading production spot. The movie â€Å"Gung Ho†is a representation of the corporate rivalry and tension between the two countries, at that time. This classic comedy with historical prospective, illustrate the cultural clashes, differences in values and goals, leadership, and a teamwork between the U.S. and Japan. In the first part of the movie, the main character Hunt Stevenson, made a trip to Tokyo, in effort to pursue a Japanese investment in his hometown’s auto factory. This was the only way for the local auto manufacturer to keep its door open, prevent large unemployment, and save families. At the first corporate meeting in Tokyo, we saw how the main character came across to be unprepared and ignorant to Japanese culture. Rather than getting familiar with at least some of the nation’s customs to try to impress the potential investor, he barged in with the cheap, portable projector into the multi-million, high tech conference room, begging for pity for his hometown. Desperate for help, the U.S. union’s HR/management department did not study nor follow the matching model – â€Å"the organization and the individual attempt to match the needs, interests, and values that they offer each other†(Daft pg.Show MoreRelatedPorsche Business Model10774 Words  | 44 Pagesdevelopment, the manufacturing and the distribution of the vehicles. This market includes all kind of vehicles with motor, but only the ones of combustion engines. This is one of the markets that make the world economy grow, in fact the automotive market is the world’s most important economic sector by revenue. This market as sated above does only include the four main principles of the car market. It does not include businesses which cars about the customer after the delivery of the car, such as repairingRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesenvironment continue unabated. The global financial crisis and economic recession have challenged some assumptions about globalization and economic integration, but they have also underscored the interconnected nature of global economies. Most countries and regions around the world are inextricably linked, yet profound differences in institutional and cultural environments persist. The challenges for international management reflect this dynamism and the increasing unpredictability of global economicRead MoreCase Study16130 Words  | 65 Pagesgiven the ‘Beacon Company’ award by the South West Regional Development Agency. It is the first housing association, and one of just a few not-for-profit organizations, to have been given this award, which ‘brings together some of the South West’s most forward thinking and ambitious companies to promote success and spearhead the growth of the region’. This status is given to companies that can demonstrate outstanding achievement across a range of criteria. In Aster’s case the rapid growth and influenceRead MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words  | 163 Pagesï » ¿TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR NSL READING CHAPTER 1: National Security Law and the Role of Tipson 1 CHAPTER 2: Theoretical approaches to national security world order 4 CHAPTER 3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management 5 CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of Coercion (JNM) 7 CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management 17 The United Nations System 17 Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional ModesRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagestopics as organized in typical marketing texts. With most cases it is not possible to truly compartmentalize the mistake or success to merely one topic. The patterns of success or failure tend to be more pervasive. Still, I think you will find the following classification of cases by subject matter to be helpful. I thank those of you who made this and other suggestions. Classification of Cases by Major Marketing Topics Topics Most Relevant Cases Marketing Research and Consumer Analysis
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Affordable Care Act ( Obama Care ) - 908 Words
For this reaction paper, I have chosen the topic of whether or not I believe that the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) should be repealed, replaced with something else, or stay in its current form. I believe that Obama Care should be fully repealed. However, I don’t believe that just repealing this legislation is enough. I believe that there should be a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom. There are far more cons than pros about Obama Care, which is all the more reason that it needs to be repealed. First of all, in order to get the money to help insure all of the people who have Obama Care there must be more taxes. These taxes are mostly on high-earners and†¦show more content†¦Although I have only named a few cons of Obama Care, there are more where those came from. With the upcoming election for president, we have a chance at having Obama Care repealed. The presumptive Republican party nominee, Donald Trump, has a plan in place that will be ready to take action if he is elected president. If he is elected president, Congress will be asked to immediately repeal Obama Care. Together Donald Trump and Congress will then work together to implement a series of reforms that follow free market principles. The reforms will restore economic freedom to everyone in this country. Donald Trump’s plan will broaden health care access, make health care more affordable, and improve the quality of the care available. As part of a comprehensive reform effort, the Trump Administration will work to restore faith in government and economic liberty. The first step in the reformation will be to completely repeal Obama Care. The individual mandate must be eliminated because no one should be required to buy insurance unless they want to. The second step of his plan will be to modify the existing law that prevents health insurance being sold across the states. As long as the insurance complies with the state’s regulations, it should be able to be sold there. Next, individuals should be allowed to deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns. If businesses are allowed to do
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Short Story - 1618 Words
Im glad you agreed to meet with me, Mac started, nervously. In a long list of ways this could possibly turn out, a lot of them were very, very bad. Ill be honest, Mac, I was surprised to hear from you. Nina Howard sipped a Manhattan, in a booth at a bar uptown, not entirely sure why shed been summoned. Swallowing an uneasy chuckle with her sip of drink, Nina waited for some sort of explanation; Wills voicemail playing on repeat in her head the entire time. Look, I... dont know how this whole thing works... Tucking dark hair behind her ear, Mac cleared her throat and tried to infuse good-will and human-decency into her voice. Its... going around the water cooler at work that, uh, you and Will... dated. Mac†¦show more content†¦We cant afford any more scandal now, especially Will, and... well, Im sure youd like your private life to stay well, private, too. Thoughtful rationalization was going to have to work with Nina Howard this time, Mac thought, because it was really all she had. Have you seen me posting any articles about my other exes? My other personal relationships? Nina tried not to laugh when Mackenzies face went white at her tone. Well, no, but... But they werent celebrities, cmon Mac, youre not a chicken, finish the thought. My other exes werent newsworthy, because they werent celebrities, and because Will is, hes endanger of becoming my new full-focus tell-all takedown piece. Slugging back the last of her drink, Nina wasnt sure why Macs accusations hurt worse than anyone elses. They just did. You dont actually call them that, do you? Mac heard her own voice shrink, Like... Its not actually called a take- Im not planning on writing about why I broke up with Will McAvoy, Nina interrupted, exasperated, and not just because I didnt break up with him, he broke up with me. Im not planning on writing anything about the two months I dated him. Idly, Nina wondered if Mac believed anything she was saying. But... a little friendly advice, Mac? Ninas tone dipped somewhere way colder than friendly, Id be less worried about the risk Im putting Wills jobShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words  | 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A short story like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.†In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words  | 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words  | 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill†and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding†written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words  | 7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words  | 7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol†by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl†by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words  | 6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,†the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
18th Century Poem Analysis Essay Example For Students
18th Century Poem Analysis Essay These works are acknowledged as, The Rape of Lock and The Eve of St. Agnes. Alexander Pope takes his readers on a hatred filled epic. A robust piece of literature and love induced psychoses in, The Rape of Lock. On the other hand, The Eve of St. Agnes told a tale of life, love, death, and eternal fate in heaven. These two brilliant writers have given two magnificent poems. Pope exhibits many characteristics of a narcissistic human being. His independence in life shows through his writings in fiction. Which inevitably portray his deeper feelings of life. Popes efforts here are of outstanding quality. However, his poem did fail to convince Arabella to rÃÆ'Â ©sumÃÆ'Â © her engagement to Lord Petre. Most of Popes efforts here were written with time. Now, Keats has romantically serenaded his reader with descriptive lust and desire, which can be compared with popes efforts by the difference in eighteenth century literature and romantic poems, their descriptive natures and ideas they portray to the reader through their writing. Pope has written an eighteenth-century poem which he calls, An Hero-Comical Poem. This poem has exalted an over all sense of worthlessness for common rules. The mentioning of Achilles and the ever-popular Aeneas, are symbols of Popes Gothic style. Pope speaks almost G-D like throughout, The Rape of Lock. Contrary to Keats, who is more down-to-earth with his sense of realism in his writings. In the beginning of Keats romantic premise to life in St. Agnes, all is cold. The opening sequence brings a sense of reali sm to this bitter cold scene. Cold owls, rabbits, and numb fingers on a holy, Beads man. The Beads man symbolizes the sense of age and spirit. Much of this poem is a test of Keats inner soul or spirit. He has lead himself to St. Agnes for his own personal account of life in a time long gone. Keats romantic style has brought visionary raw emotion to the aching hearts of all his readers. Then, both poems go separate ways in their tales of body and spirit. Taking account of all differences in these two works, has brought out a sense of unknown extasy. Pope displays morality with his own twists on fate and man kinds inability to rationalize right decision making in life. He complicates this with, Moral superiority and his visions of old styles blended with his attitude for recognition. Pope has indulged the reader in consistent religious order, and awkward justice for mankind. However, when viewing Keats poem stanza by stanza, much is revealed. Keats tale starts as a direct eagerness for future considerations. His image of love and old age creates a stifled knot in the stomach of the reader. Enthusiastic resistance is overcome by Keats smooth flow, and harmonizing beauty in heaven. Angels and death are brought together like osmosis. His ability to start off in a cold bitter atmosphere of regret, and then sway the readers emotion to a peaceful loving atmosphere is in itself astonishing. Desire brings Keats to the heightened point of emotional gratification within, The Eve of St. Agnes. St. Agnes is such a peaceful age-old memory for Keats. He presents strength when pain is being inflicted. His early images of purgatory, show Keats in a bind of human emotion and regret for past sins. However, Pope does this as well throughout, The Rape of Lock. Although, Pope is less likely to find a happy medium in his tale of tolerance. He does manage to relinquish all his desires for the sake of his own inner strength. This strength is portrayed more intensely through his soul. Memories are key to the anguish of the poem. In all of Keats mediocre issues come love and honor. The entire tenth stanza is caused by the emotions involved with love. However, this must leave some readers at a loss. Keats doesnt seem to really care whe ther anybody understands him. Keats only concern is to repent and achieve harmony in life with his body and soul. Transcendentalism in Dead Poets Society EssayEach of these two poets has signified their lack of realism with a substantial concern for age-old myth, and undeniable love. The portrayal of love in each poem has brought most of the emotional satisfaction from the reader. Hence, having observed these two magnificent artists for their personal adherence to the reader, it is necessary to delve into the emotional collaboration of imagery and its effect on the mind, body, and soul of the two sides involved in each reading. Imagery can sustain many possible contradictions on the writers intentions. For instance, Keats hides his charactersPorphro and Madeline in order to present a more lustful in-depth love. Safety is a key to Keats prolific attitude on the secrecy of a womans virginity. A wholesome outlook is always in the future, it would seem. However, this outlook is never reached throughout the poem. In comparison with Pope, Keats has distinguished himself in his writing. Pope relies on old myths and obscure legends in order to achieve his outcome of clarity. Each writer has their own hero of the day. In each writers mind is the idea that one can be g-d through their own scripture. Each must be excused for not always being able to know what is still real and what is fiction in life. Their expensive minds have brought their own personal truth to light. Can they hear the crying of their love sick pasts? In classic style, Pope has brought dreams to reality. While Keats has more realistically attended to his personal experiences. In addition to women, love, g-d, sex, soul, mind, and body, Keats and Pope have taken different outlooks on many similar issues. Keats has given the reader a more intense feeling of desire and lust, then Pope. However, when myth and love collide Alexander Pope has answered with his tale of g-ds, angels and afterlife. As an empirical narcissistic person, I have romanticized about the romances Keats has described. His inner thoughts are more clear, then those of Pope. Additionally, Pope is more morbid and in a way sour about his shortcomings in life. Which are expressed significantly in many of Popes images. For instance, poetic eyes is used by Pope on line 124. This image can be expressed as a better way for the reader to see that life imitates art! Now, viewing both works in detail has brought out an arousal of insecurity and misunderstood quality. However, each has distinguished its own identity by its style. Referring back to the comparison of Pope and Keats styles can be quite an enhancement upon the cerebral context in each poem. Pope has strictly concerned himself with literary merit, and ghostly apparitions of old tales that haunt all writers of the possibility for brilliance. Keats however, has staked his claim as a romantic idealist of love and thought. Mind, body and soul are key factors in both of these works. Heaven is portrayed as a savior to man, and an unforsaken goal for others. Spirituality reigns deep within the hearts of both Keats and Pope. Consequence is not an issue, but the ability to repent through words of wisdom is. This is what keeps Keats and Pope saneAs well as many other writers, including myself. With wisdom comes age, and with desire comes lust. Therefore, romantic poets need to be preserved for their tremendous ability to stretch the common ability to comprehend all of lifes trials and tribulations as seen here in all its glory!
Monday, April 6, 2020
Castaway and Into the wild Research Paper Example
Castaway and Into the wild Paper Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer and Castaway, directed by Robert Zemeckis, both describe and explain the journey of two young men while living in the wild, and the mountains they must climb to achieve their main goal: survival. However, both men go through entirely different experiences for different reasons. Chris McCandless, from Into the Wild, decides to leave everything he has and to go on a journey through the United States, which takes him to Alaska. There he spend his days on an abandoned bus. He lives a very comfortable life style compared to Chuck Noland from Castaway. Chuck doesnt have a comfortable shelter, cooking devices or washing abilities that McCandless has. More importantly, the reasons why they are on their journeys are entirely different. McCandless chose to be in Alaska and to live on the land. Nolands plane crashed into the ocean, which forced him to be stranded alone on an island. Throughout these two stories, Robert Zemeckis still comes to the conclusion that when a man is trying to survive and when his life is in danger, he will do anything to live. I agree with this, I feel anyone would try to survive with all their might. Life is not something just to throw away. We will write a custom essay sample on Castaway and Into the wild specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Castaway and Into the wild specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Castaway and Into the wild specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Noland has experiences on the island which overall force him to survive. When first becoming stranded on the island, Noland seems terrified. Its seen as ironic because just before he was portrayed as a fearless and self-confident employee of a mainstream shipping company. Nolands first gut feeling when arriving on the island is to collect all the wreckage from his plane that floats up on shore. Zemeckis belief seems to become true at this point. After this situation, Noland collects boxes and builds his first shelter. This puts him on a mission for food, which overall forces him on a diet of coconuts and small crabs. After his first attempt of getting off the island was unsuccessful, it seems the only possible way for survival is to wait on the island for someone to rescue him. At this point, Noland decides the only way to get off the island is to live no matter what and deal with the obstacles he will have to climb over. Throughout the four years on the island, Noland generates a calendar, time system and wind patterns. Time is something thats not as easily watched on the island as it was when Noland was in civilization. Throughout his time on the island, death seems to throw itself at Noland. Receiving the skate with sharp blade, the box with angel wings, and his dead comrade from the airplane, seem to remind him of death. The thought of suicide becomes visible when Noland builds a noose out of a rope. However, the site of his fiancees picture is the only reason why Noland wants to survive. He needs human contact. He becomes so lonely living by himself that the only way for him to live and not to commit suicide is to create Wilson. He uses a volleyball as his means of socialization which over his four years on the island makes him more sane than he would be without it. However, talking with a volleyball only makes him live until his sail gets washed up on shore where he has an awakening, We might just make it. Did that thought ever cross your brain? Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, than to stay here and die on this shit-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a goddamn volleyball, Noland explains to Wilson. Noland obsesses with the tide, getting off the island is now a must, Ive got to keep breathing. Because tomorrow, the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring? Noland says. At this point, he makes a raft with his new sail and breaks away from the island with the right tide. Noland returns to civilization, where has life restarts.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Learn About the Central Asian Country of Afghanistan
Learn About the Central Asian Country of Afghanistan Population: 28,395,716 (July 2009 estimate)Capital: KabulArea: 251,827 square miles (652,230 sq km)Bordering Countries: China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and UzbekistanHighest Point: Noshak at 24,557 feet (7,485 m)Lowest Point: Amu Darya at 846 feet (258 m) Afghanistan, officially called the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a large landlocked country located in Central Asia. About two-thirds of its land is rugged and mountainous and much of the country is sparsely populated. Afghanistans people are very poor and the country has recently been working to achieve political and economic stability despite the reemergence of the Taliban, following its fall in 2001. Afghanistans History Afghanistan was once a part of the ancient Persian Empire but was conquered by Alexander the Great in 328 B.C.E. In the 7th century, Islam arrived in Afghanistan after Arab peoples invaded the area. Several different groups then tried to run Afghanistans lands until the 13th century when Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire invaded the area. The Mongols controlled the area until 1747 when Ahmad Shah Durrani founded what is present-day Afghanistan. By the 19th century, Europeans began entering Afghanistan when the British Empire expanded into the Asian subcontinent and in 1839 and 1878, there were two Anglo-Afghan wars. At the end of the second war, Amir Abdur Rahman took control of Afghanistan but the British still played a role in foreign affairs. In 1919, Abdur Rahmans grandson, Amanullah, took control of Afghanistan and began a third Anglo-Afghan war after invading India. Shortly after the war began however, the British and Afghans signed the Treaty of Rawalpindi on August 19, 1919 and Afghanistan officially became independent. Following its independence, Amanullah attempted to modernize and incorporate Afghanistan into world affairs. Beginning in 1953, Afghanistan again closely aligned itself with the former Soviet Union. In 1979, though, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and installed communist group in the country and occupied the area with its military occupation until 1989. In 1992, Afghanistan was able to overthrow Soviet rule with its mujahideen guerrilla fighters and established an Islamic Jihad Council that same year to take over Kabul. Shortly thereafter, the mujahideen began having ethnic conflicts. In 1996, the Taliban then began rising in power in an attempt to bring stability to Afghanistan. However, the Taliban imposed strict Islamic rule on the country which lasted until 2001. During its growth in Afghanistan, the Taliban took many rights from its people and caused tensions throughout the world after the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 because it allowed Osama bin Laden and other Al-Qaida members to remain in the country. In November 2001, after United States military occupation of Afghanistan, the Taliban fell and its official control of Afghanistan ended. In 2004, Afghanistan had its first democratic elections and Hamid Karzai became Afghanistans first president via election. Government of Afghanistan Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic that is divided into 34 provinces. It has executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. Afghanistans executive branch consists of a head of government and chief of state, while its legislative branch is a bicameral National Assembly made up of the House of Elders and the House of People. The judicial branch is comprised of a nine member Supreme Court and High Courts and Appeals Courts. Afghanistans most recent Constitution was ratified on January 26, 2004. Economics and Land Use in Afghanistan Afghanistans economy is currently recovering from years of instability but it is considered one of the poorest nations in the world. Most of the economy is based on agriculture and industry. Afghanistans top agricultural products are opium, wheat, fruits, nuts, wool, mutton, sheepskins and lambskins; while its industrial products include textiles, fertilizer, natural gas, coal and copper. Geography and Climate of Afghanistan Two-thirds of Afghanistans terrain consists of rugged mountains. It also has plains and valleys in the northern and southwestern regions. The valleys of Afghanistan are its most populated areas and much of the countrys agriculture takes place either here or on the high plains. Afghanistans climate is arid to semiarid and has very hot summers and very cold winters. More Facts about Afghanistan Afghanistans official languages are Dari and Pashto Life expectancy in Afghanistan is 42.9 years Only ten percent of Afghanistan is below 2,000 feet (600 m) Afghanistans literacy rate is 36% References Central Intelligence Agency. (2010, March 4). CIA - the World Factbook - Afghanistan. Retrieved from: Geographica World Atlas Encyclopedia. 1999. Random House Australia: Milsons Point NSW Australia. Infoplease. (n.d.). Afghanistan: History, Geography, Government, Culture Retrieved from: United States Department of State. (2008, November). Afghanistan (11/08). Retrieved from:
Friday, February 21, 2020
Examine the market research required for the catering company as a new Lab Report
Examine the market research required for the catering company as a new start-up sole trader company - Lab Report Example Subramaniam and Coyne (2013) emphasised that due to the intensity of rivalry that start-ups face, market researches are very important for them in ensuring that they take the right actions towards their targeted market. In the current case, the start-up sole trader is a catering company with 5 workers and 1 owner. All workers have the same level of skill in driving, baking, cooking and making of table. The staff of the company are considered well motivated for the roles they are assigned. The business idea of the new start-up sole trader company is to organise parties for individuals, families and corporate bodies. This means that the company is broadly in the hospitality industry as its business orientation requires the provision of food service to clients (Davis, Eisenhardt and Bingham, 2009). This enterprise is considered appropriate for the sole trader given that the sole trader has personal experience in catering. There are various price strategies available for the sole trader. On the whole, pricing is based on the client size and the nature of service requested. This is because there are general services and prestige services. There is also a pricing formula where the larger the client size, the lower the price per head of service received. An ideal price for general service is $10 per head whiles that for prestige service is $15 per head. The sole trader liaises with external suppliers who use the route planning model of logistics as way of achieving efficien t logistics (Ciborra, 2006). The current market segment of the sole trader is corporate institutions, meaning there is a business to business (B2B) business model (Stewart and Cohen, 1994). The use of differentiation strategy is the company’s major strategic option. Whiles the sole trader is in the market also, constant research that helps them to come to terms with the changing dynamics of the market is also necessary
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Northern Rock PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Northern Rock PLC - Essay Example In this way the government, representing the taxpayers, may recoup its investment and the bank may be returned to the private sector. A bank that shows consistent profit is attractive to potential buyers. To do this its financial strategy must continue its plans of further restructuring its business model. It must reduce its capital costs base by better cost management. And while pursuing and adjusting to medium term growth, Northern Rock must focus on innovation and new markets, and continue to build on transparent and open communication with its stake-holders. Discussion Today, under Government ownership, Northern Rock Plc has kept together some 70 branches over which it must wield a steady hand toward corporate profit in the interest of its stakeholders, the taxpayers, and its depositors. Since its black day of 17 September 2007, when depositors were shown on worldwide TV queuing in long lines outside the bank to make their withdrawals, the bank has went through several stages of restructuring. The initial one was the takeover by the government. Throughout these restructuring processes, the bank has sought to rebuild a substantial market for its mortgage loans, a market that is different from the business plan that the bank had pursued before 2008. Previous to 2008 and after Northern Rock became public in 1997, the bank soon embarked on a risky business plan that was coupled to a flawed bank regulatory system. Since 1997 Northern Rock was regulated by the newly created Financial Services Authority (FSA). The FSA did not share any information it had with the Treasury or with the Bank of England who was responsible for monetary policy. Both the FSA and the Bank of England were slow to step in and stop Northern Rock’s demise. The FSA had, in June 2007, instead allowed Northern Rock to decrease its amount of required on-hand capital. This action exemplified the regulatory system that allowed the bank to overextend itself in the speculative mortgage deriva tive market. But even today the bank as a retail and savings bank must rebuild its image and processes in the same waters of financial risk. During the period of the default, Northern Rock’s business plan was based on securitizing mortgages in the short-term wholesale market to support its long-term longs. It was packaging multiple mortgage loans and selling them as bonds to investors. This business model had depended on stability in the mortgage securities market and the confidence of those who traded in the debt packages. When the housing prices begin to show full scale plummeting from speculated highs, lenders stopped extending rollover loans to Northern Rock and they eventually took their money from the bank. In August 2007 credit froze up in the bank liquidity market and Northern Rock could no longer sell bonds over the face of a broad liquidity freeze. It could not make any new loans. On August 13, 2007, the bank requested emergency funding from the Bank of England. It was only after the Chancellor of the Exchequer guaranteed all deposits at the bank in later September did the resulting bank run stop. The present Northern Rock Plc was created from The Northern Rock Transfer Order which on 1 January 2010 restructured the bank into two banks, Northern Rock Plc, the savings bank with new mortgages, and the Northern Rock Asset Management Plc (NRAM) (NRP, 2011). The latter took over the "toxic" mortgage assets and is concentrating in mortgage loans. North Rock Plc began its
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Psychology of Aesthetics: Overview of Theories
Psychology of Aesthetics: Overview of Theories How is aesthetic experience linked to familiarity and information? Critically discuss at least two theoretical perspectives and provide evidence based on the literature. The phenomenon of aesthetic experience refers to a preference judgement to sensory experience. This hedonic response has its roots from the philosopher Baumgarten 1750 (as cited in Reber et al, 2004) who likened the concept of sensation and perception pertaining to beauty, appreciation and art. The philosophical approaches influenced the endeavor to discover contributors to aesthetic experience. Conversely, Fechner adopted an empirical approach rather than the complex philosophical approaches to understanding aesthetic experiences. For instance, experimentation on stimulus properties and preference responses provided a more organized bottom – up approach. (Shimura and Palmer, 2014) Gestalt psychologists took on a holistic approach to the principles of perceptual organization. For instance, the principle of familiarity suggests that objects appear to be grouped if the groups are assured to be familiar or meaningful. (Goldstein, 2002) Another principle proposed is that stimulus patterns are pictured in a style that is the most simplistic. For example the Olympic symbol is not usually perceived as nine shapes within five circles but simply as five circles. Thus, Gesalt account does provide a reason into the perception of stimulus. However, Gesalt principles do not explain the role of familiarity and simplicity of information in aesthetic experience. (Goldstein, 2002) One explanation introduced by the processing fluency is the ease of processing information which consists of perceptual fluency and conceptual fluency. (Reber et al. 2004) Perceptual fluency refers to the ease of processing the perceptual features of a stimulus (Jacoby and Kelley,1987). Whilst, Conceptual fluency is the ease of processing the meaning of a stimulus, or the fluency of conceptually driven processing (Whittlesea, 1993). Prior exposure to stimuli can increase processing fleuncy this is the mere exposure effect report by Zajonc (1968) He theorized the more often an individual is exposed to an object the more likely they are to develop a preference for stimulus that is familiar than unfamiliar. He demonstrated the causal relation between mere exposure and attitude enhancement. Through a series of experiments nonsense words, Chinese ideographs and photographs of faces were presented in counter balanced order to participants and rated on a scale of how good or bad stimulus words meant and how favorable photographs were. Liking for a stimulus was found to be positively related to the amount of stimulus exposure. The proximity of experienced fluency and preference judgment can lead participants to misinterpret fluency as their preference reaction to the stimulus. Hence, repeated exposure of a stimulus increases perceptual fluency, which in turn increases the likelihood of misattribution to preference for stimulus. (Bornstein and D’Agostino, 1994).The mere exposure effect can provide an account for, different cultural preferences seen in society. For instance, Hannon et al. (2012) used simple rhythms common in American and Turkish music, complex rhythms common in Turkish music and highly complex rhythms not found in Turkish and American music. Turkish participants performed accurately in simple and complex conditions. However, they performed less accurately in highly complex condition. Conversely, Americans performed accurately when detecting disruptions to the simple rhythm. However, they performed less accurately on the complex and highly complex conditions. Nonetheless , the robustness of the mere exposure effect is controversial. Kali (1974) exposed children aged seven, nine and eleven years old to Chinese characters. Children then ranked the stimuli according to liking. The seven and nine year olds preferred the familiar characters and the eleven year olds preferred the novel stimuli. Another set of ranks taken three weeks after indicated that eleven year olds preferred the more familiar characters. It was proposed boredom effects intervened on preference ratings. Indeed, Borstein et al. (1990) suggests That, simple stimuli become boring in comparison to complex stimuli. Berlyne 1960,1974 (as cited in Messinger,1998) proposed that intermediate levels of information produce the highest ratings.Thus, Uncertainty of information is related to aesthetic preference in the inverted U shape function rather than the linear function proposed by the mere – exposure effect. Whilst, preference was based on stimulus related arousal, preference increases to maximal liking, as arousal potential reaches the optimal level. Furthermore, arousal leads to a decrease in liking thus displeasure increases. ( Martindale et al. 1990) This idea of information on preference derived from information theory which is based on mathematical principles. (Berlyne,1957) utilizing a logarithmic equation to measure information yielded by all possible combinations of a given number of stimuli. When there are equally likely possibilities in a stimulus set, the higher the figure the more informational stimulus tends to be, since more combinations are involved. Martindale et al. (1990) tested Berlyne’s predictions. In the first experiment they asked participants to rate their liking for a series of random polygons varying in size and number of turns. A rating scale has the advantage that it provides a degree of opinion rather than a binary response. Results indicated that polygons with ten turns were preferred and that size had no effect on preference. However, when the same experiment was repeated with a larger range of size and complexity levels. Preference was linearly related to complexity. This questioned the ecological validity and generalizability of Berlyne’s model. Martindale et al. (1990) This contradiction challenges the processing fluency account as a simple stimulus should be preferred as there is less information compared to complex stimulus. Perhaps the mediation of other factors plays an important role, such as expertise and expectation. Reber et al (2004) when expectections of complex stimuli are violated by e asy processing then this creates pleasure. Reber et al. (2004) Asethetic pleasure has been found to vary among experts and novices. People who are novices tend to prefer simple, protypical stimuli such as symmetry whereas experts prefer complex, asymmetrical stimuli. (McWhinnie, 1968) Preference for symmetrical sequences in body movement was investigated by Orgs et al. (2013). Participants were exposed to either symmetrical or asymmetrical sequences. Both groups, then rated the sequences. Results indicated that both groups rated symmetrical sequences higher. Participants in the asymmetrical group displayed an increase preference for asymmetrical sequences. This can be explained by the mere exposure effect. The influence of aesthetic preference on compositional structure and postural information may differ among novice and experts. Moreover, other behaviours such as the ability to identify the structure in aesthetic experience and if participants are asked to perform actions instead of using rating scales is to be explored. Jacobsen and Hoefel (2003) showed symmetrical and non symmetrical patterns and recorded whether participants judged them as beautiful or not beautiful. They correlated this to Event related potentials. The results indicated that symmetrical patterns were positively correlated to beautiful judgements. Aesthetic judgements related to anterior frontomedian and right hemisphere activation. This does provide an account of processing aesthetic appreciation occurring in specialized brain areas. Nevertheless, this correlation does not mean that specialized brain activation causes aesthetic preference for symmetrical patterns. Event related potentials (ERP) are difficult to detect in the electroencephalograms (EEGS) the ERP is combined with other electrical signals. However the procedure offers a non-invasive technique compared to other procedures which expose participants to radiation or injection. (Kolb and Wishaw, 2009) In addition, the variety of aesthetic preferences are not captured by the forced choice methods. Preference for symmetrical patterns may be due to fluent processing as there is less information to process. (Reber et al. 2004) The preference towards a given feature over another is not well explained. Bar and Neta (2006) Adopted an evolutionary perspective, they proposed sharp objects signal danger and curved objects signal safety. They found a preference for curved objects. Furthermore, there was no difference in reaction time, which challenges the perceptual fluency account. Findings support the mere exposure effect as real objects was preferred over novel patterns. Evolutionary perspective poses issues of falsification however, Carbon (2010) used realistic images of cars from 1950 to 1999 and found a preference for curved models, although fashion trends can also have an impact. The stimuli used is more realistic than rating polygons. In addition, this illustrates aesthetic experiences can change over time. The majority of the studies discussed explore aesthetic liking, however, many dimensions of aesthetic experiences exist. Such as, the pleasure of negative emotions is not captured well. In overview, the studies discussed suggest that the familiarity, novelty, complexity, simplicity of information plays an important role in aesthetic experiences. ( Zajonc,1968; Messinger ,1998) That is, preference for something is in between familiarity and novelty. As boredom intervenes with preference and familiarity. (Borstein et al.1990)Novelty can violate expectations and signal danger. (Reber et al.2004;Bar and Neta, 2006) This is similar for complex and simple information. Preference for something is between easy and challenging stimulus. ((McWhinnie,1968) Preference for things that is known can explain cultural differences in aesthetic experiences. (Hannon et al, 2012) Through neuroaesthetic approaches, specialized brain areas can be linked to aesthetic experience. (Jacobsen and Hoefel, 2003) Despite, different tastes neuroaesthetics can offer a way of investigating the underlying mechanisms involved in the aesthetic experience to generate a set of principles that influence aesthetic experiences. In a nutshell, the theoretical perspectives indicates detecting regularities and understanding information is something humans find aesthetically pleasing. References Bar.M,Neta.M (2006) Humans prefer curved visual objects. Psychological science,17,645-648. Berlyne.D.E. (1957) Uncertainity and conflict: A point of contact between information-theory and behaviour – theory concepts. The psychological review. 64,6. 329-339. Borstein.E.R,Kale.R.A,Cornell.R.K. (1990) Boredom as a Limiting Condition on the Mere Exposure Effect.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.58, 5, 791-800 Borstein.R.F, D’Agostino.P.R. (1992) Stimulus recognition and the mere exposure effect. Journal of personality and social psychology, 63, 545-552. Carbon.C.C. (2010) The cycle of preference: long –term dynamics of aesthetic appreciation. Acta psychologica, 134, 233-244. Goldstein.B.E (2002) Sensation and perception (6th edn) USA: Wadsworth. Hannon, E. E., Soley, G., Ullal, S. (2012, February 20). Familiarity Overrides Complexity in Rhythm Perception: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of American and Turkish Listeners. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Jacobsen.T, Hoefel.L. (2003) Descriptive and evaluative judgement processes: Behavioural and electrophysical indices of processing symmetry and aesthetics. Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience.4, 289- 299. Jacoby, Larry L. and Colleen M. Kelley (1987),Unconscious Influences of Memory for a Prior Event, Personality Social Psychology Bulletin, 13 (March), 314-336. Kali.V.R (1974) Familarity and attraction to stimuli: Developmental change or methological artifact ? Journal of experimental child psychology. 18, 504 – 511. Kolb.B,Whishaw.Q.I (2009) Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology. (6th edn) New York: Worth publishers. McWhinnie.J.H. (1968) A review of research on aesthetic measure. Acta psychologica. 28, 363-375. Martindale.C,Moore.K,Borkum.J. (1990) Aesthetic preference: Anomalous findings for berlyne’s psychobiological theory. The American journal of psychology. 103,1, 53-80. Messinger.M.S (1998) pleasure and complexity: Berlyne revisted. The journal of psychology. 132, 5, 558-560. Orgs.G,Hagura.N,Haggard.p (2013) learning to like it: Aesthetic perception of bodies, movements and choreographic structure. Consciousness and cogition. 22, 603-612. Reber.R,Schwarz.N,Winkielman.P. (2004) processing fleuncy and aesthetic pleasure: is beauty in the perceiver’s processing experience ? Personality and social psychology review, vol: 8, 4, 364-382. Shimaura. P.A,Palmer. E.S.(2014) Aesthetic science connecting Minds, Brains and Experience. New York: Oxford university press. Whittlesea. A.W.B (1993) Illusions of familiarity. Journal of experimental psychology: Learning, memory and cognition. 19,6,1235-1253. Zajonc. R.B (1968) Attitudinal effects of mere exposure. Journal of personality and social psychology. 9, 1- 27.
Monday, January 20, 2020
History of Computers :: Computing Services Technology Essays
History of Computers For many people living in the 21st century, the computer has become a very important tool for everyone. The computer has the ability to give information, it can help to correct mistakes that people make, and it is able to keep track of many things. It is also able to do many different calculations, this was one of the reasons that sparked the idea of the computer so many years ago. The first computer dates back to about 2000 years ago. With the abacus, a wooden rack holing two horizontal wires with beads strung on them (Meyers 1). This idea came about because man wanted to be able to automate the counting system. Even though this was not an automatic machine, it allowed the user to remember calculations and it also help to perform complex problems (Hoyle). After the creation of the abacus there was not really much advancement on the computer. Until Blaise Pascal working on the first digital computer in 1642 (Meyers 1). Pascal’s dad was a tax collector and he designed the computer so that it would be easier for his father for perform mathematical computations. The machine was called the Pascaline computer. The computer was able to add and after making few adjustments it was able to multiply (Hoyle). In the 1600’s this was remarkable technology at the time but there were disadvantages. If there was a problem with the computer only Pascal would be able to fix it and it would cost a lot. In 1812 a mathematics professor by the name of Charles Babbage became aware 1 that many mathematical calculation were predictable and so therefore it was possible that it could be done automatically.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Macbeth Korean Translation Essay
In this play the characters Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo were somewhat alike and somewhat different from each other, but they all played important roles. Some of the characters played a villain role and some played a more heroic role. Macbeth’s prophecy was that he was to become king of Scotland. Macbeth is friends with Banquo and he has a high status, rank, and respect for others. Macbeth and Banquo met the three witches together and they told them both about their futures. Before Macbeth killed the king he thought â€Å"If chance will have me King, why chance may crown me, without my stir. †(p. 36) He takes a noble action on his prophecy and doesn’t let fate take its roll. Once Macbeth became king he let his power control himself, and treats everyone unfair but his wife. When Macbeth found out that Banquo thought that the witches had told some things, Macbeth started to have visions of the daggers floating in the air before him with the tip of the dagger aiming toward Duncan. He thought he heard a voice cry â€Å"Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep†(p. 352) Macbeth tried to grasp the imaginary dagger and failed. After Banquo’s ghost came to haunt him it started to make him suspicious and show that he is the one that killed him. Macduff is loyal to the king and the brave soldier. He is a father who cherishes his children and he is happy with his life. He was always a trustworthy person he never had disloyal or greed within himself. He became a noble man but he does not take any action on his prophecy. Macduff started to take suspicion into the death of Duncan. He became the main opposition to Macbeth and as the result of that his household became slaughtered, and he lost his wife and his son. Banquo is loyal to the king and also is a brave soldier and highly regarded as the king’s men. He is another father that cherished his children, but he was much as a greedy person. When he met with the three witches they told him that he is â€Å"lesser than Macbeth, and greater,†and â€Å"not so happy, yet much happier†, and then she told him that his children will become kings. Banquo felt â€Å"That, trusted home, might yet enkindle you unto the crown, besides the Thane of Cawdor. But ‘tis strange! And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s In deepest consequence. †(P. 35) and it had him thinking that what the witches said might not of been so true. He and Macbeth were close friends. Macbeth became an untrue friend to Banquo. By that he had his servants kill Banquo because he was a threat to him and he thought that he would tell people that he killed the king and after he got him killed one of Banquo’s children escaped. All of these characters in the play have similarities because before the king was killed and they all had responsibilities that they each had to handle. Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo were all friends until Macbeth had power an authority over the kingdom. The difference between each character revolves around their own personal loyalty. Macbeth has the devotion to become king and take power. Macduff had the loyalty of his family and the king and so did Banquo. The innocent characters into this play are Macduff and Banquo. More of Macduff because he wasn’t a really type of greedy person, nor did he want more of things his way. He obeyed his king and nobles. Banquo is loyal to his king and nobles but he was greedy at the same time so his greediness could have had him playing a villain role but he didn’t let it get into the way of some things. Macbeth is the most villain character in this play. He was at once an individual that was doing his job, now he is the character that is taking over people’s lives and started to kill innocent people. Right before Macbeth started to begin to kill the harmless people and gain power he was just as innocent as the citizens in his country. Once he found out that he was gone to have power and he told his wife she thought of him as to ambitious and kind to be king.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Mental Health Issues In The Great Gatsby - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 893 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/03/26 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Great Gatsby Essay Did you like this example? The book The Great Gatsby by f. Scott Fitzgerald is a book that is famous for many reasons. Firstly, we know that its famous because it is still being used in the educational system of today. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Mental Health Issues In The Great Gatsby" essay for you Create order I believe this book is still being read today because of the lasting impact that resonates with the reader. Personally, I can relate to this book through the character jay Gatsby. Throughout The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, I believe that Jay Gatsby is described to try really hard to make others happy, his failing to do so is what eventually leads to his depression. His depression and lack of guidance through his life is what indirectly leads to his death. In this book Gatsby tries hard to please and make Daisy happy. Throughout the book he does whatever he can do in his power to get her to like him. When Gatsby first meets Daisy she is really fond of him because he was being himself. Once Gatsby goes away for war, he loses sight of who Daisy is and who he actually is. The longer Gatsby is away, the more his perception of Daisy and their relationship gets further distorted. When Gatsby finally gets a chance to be with Daisy again, he realizes how different his idea of her has changed and over projected their relationship to be. Since Daisy, in the beginning, actually liked Gatsby for who he was and now Gatsby has turned lonely. The only thing Gatsby can think of to make Daisy happy is wealth. He believes if he can have a lot of money, this will win her back and restore their relationship as it was five years prior. as a result of this, Gatsby is desperate to obtain a lot of money. This is why he ends up having to turn to smuggling to t ry to acquire money. Smuggling does give Gatsby the money that he hopes for, but it is not enough for Daisy to like him again. This is quite similar to how I view our society today. The people in which I have a close connection/relationship to are always trying to make others happy. In the book, Gatsby works very hard to get Daisys approval/trying to make her happy. He is not successful in doing this. Many people, in my opinion, are often trying to get the attention/approval/praise that they seem hungry for. I honestly see this attitude as a thirst/hunger. Eating is a necessity and from what Ive seen, the depth in which people will go to get the approval of others is substansial. If/when these people dont get the approval of others, much like Jay Gatsby, they get depressed. Once Gatsby got depressed about losing Daisy, he turned to money to try to make himself happy. Like many other people who are smuggling money seems to be the pathway to happiness, but as we found out with Mr. Gatsby money certainly does not buy happiness. after Gatsby realizes he lost Daisy for a second time, I believe thats the turning point of his depression, after Daisy is gone, he doesnt have another purpose in his life. All the time he had to spend in his life, he spent on trying to get Daisy to love him. Since he is unsuccessful, he believes he has no self worth and no real reason to live, so I believe his death was a direct result of this. Mental health is a big topic of general interest in todays society, especially within the teen population. approximately 20% of teenagers experience or have experienced depression and its symptoms by the time they reach 20. This has a great effect on more than just that twenty percent of people. There are many people that have to help these people struggling with depression get through their struggles every day. I am personally not affected by depression, but I have several friends that turn to me when they need help. The idea of helping others through their struggles is one of the more prominent things that I think about on a daily basis. I believe there are people my age that dont know the true causation of depression and truly dont comprehend what kind of effect depression has on people. Because of this people are underestimating the power depression has on people. I have personally felt the effects of depression through the loss of my brothers best friend. He took his own life because he felt like his voice was being unheard. This is not an uncommon thought through this age of injustice and political griping. This is an age where political candidates are more worried about exploiting every single blemish of someones life, rather than the topics that actually concern the people that are voting for them such as mental health. Although Im not saying everyone isnt caring or understanding. But I have seen enough comments and sayings that I know that there is enough of a problem looming around this topic that there is something that needs to be done about mental health among the human population in general, but specifically the teenage population. If politicians and the general public focused more on stabilizing the overarching problem/epidemic of mental health issues, I believe the USA and the earth overall would be much better place.
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