Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Compare and Contrast 2 articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Compare and Contrast 2 articles - Essay Example There is quite evidently the interdependence gravitates man toward such force and this compels him to revitalize his being by recreating it through art. â€Å"So God tired of all the possibilities that remained confined within Him, unexpressed, dormant, and as if dead. And God opened His mouth, and he spoke at length a word that was harmonious and rhythmical†(p. 49). Similarly, Du Bois reinforces the concept of a singular world without boundaries because all are created by one God. Yet out of this, he clarifies that there does exist a classification of races. â€Å"There does not stand today upon God’s earth a race more capable in muscle, in intellect, in morals, than the American Negro†(p, 13). This clearly indicates the significance of God in the lives of Black people, an influence that cannot be dismissed. (2) Senghor recognizes the influence of the Negro in civilization while Du Bois only assumes its part. By direct content of the essay, Senghor’s â €˜Negritude: A Humanism of the Twentieth Century’ discusses the gist of Negritude and its meaning. It is as he describes it, a modern humanism. The Negro had influenced artists such as Picasso and Braque when they discovered African art.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Polydactyle Case Essay Example for Free
Polydactyle Case Essay Polydactyle is a genetic disorder that is caused by a gene on chromosome seven. Polydactyle is a condition were an individual has more than five digits per hand. Most cases are isolated and not related to any other disorder but some are related to others. The errors occur during fetal development and they are caused by on several mutations on a gene that is known as chromosome seven. Polydactlyle is Autosomal dominant meaning that an offspring can get this disease by having it passed down from just one parent. During normal embryonic development while the infant is still in the womb the hand of the infant will most likely form a shape of a paddle. Following six to seven weeks later the paddle hand will split into digits as we know as fingers also resulting in more toes than normal, more fingers than normal extra digit on hand and extra digit on foot. The separation process is excessive while creating the extra â€Å"segment†. Polydactyle is also just one of those genetic defects that underlays hereditary from a parent. Polydactyle is often found more usually with African Americans to get it instead of other ethnic backgrounds. Polydactyly occurs by its self by isolated conditions or in conjunction with other symptoms as one aspect of a multi-symptom diseases. There are several forms of isolated and several forms of Polydactyly; each of these, where the genetics is understood, is caused by an autosomal dominant gene. This means that since the gene is autosomal (not sex-linked), males and females are equally likely to inherit the trait. This also means that since the gene is dominant, children who have only one parent with the trait have a 50% chance of inheriting it. However, people in the same family carrying the same gene can have different degrees of Polydactyly. There are a number of treatments that are used for the disorder Polydactyl but many families tend to go one way with the disorder. Most families contact a Orthopedic Surgeons or a Plastic Surgeon. This specialist removes there childs extra digit when they are 1 to 2 years of age. But Polydactyly varies in complexity. A minor procedure may correct small extra digits or those with a narrow base. However, when the base is broad or if the extra digit is rooted deeply in the hand, reconstructive surgery may be the best option when the child is old enough to safely undergo an elective procedure. Operating on the bone, joint, ligaments or tendons may be necessary to create the most functional hand possible for the child so there is not a lot of pain.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Russian Composers Essay -- essays research papers fc
     Russian composers are often mentioned in history as the most influential in the world. With style unlike any other, Russians are able to capture mood through a unique ability to capture exactly what they feel. Exactly how the Russians are able to do this is unknown, though through this, the greatest composers have turned out to be Russian. Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff and Shostakovich are all able to write and portray the most detailed feelings and moods, and it is to them that we owe the advancement of all music. Tchaikovsky is one of the most beloved composers in history. An inspired craftsman of melody, orchestration and tonal color, he wrote in an astonishing variety of musical forms, from symphonies to ballet scores to concertos (Sadie, 94). His life and work are the stuff of legend, and his personal struggles are almost as well recorded today as the methods by which he created his music (Osborne, 77). He was born in Votkinsk, Russia in 1840, and was initially trained in music by a French governess (Mason, 70). At ten, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he studied law and enrolled in jurisprudence school (Ewen, 72). After his graduation in 1859, he briefly held a job as a government clerk, but soon threw out that career in favor of his musical pursuits’ (Osborne, 77). Tchaikovsky entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory in 1861 and studied composition with Anton Rubinstein, then the most famed pianist and composer in Russia. Graduating in 1856, he found a position as a teacher at the Moscow Conservatory and began to write minor overtures, quartets and a larger symphonic work (Sadie, 94). In 1876, Tchaikovsky entered into a relationship, which would dominate most of his career as a composer. A wealth widow, Nedezhda von Meck, had heard that Tchaikovsky was in financial straits and without ever meeting the young musician, commissioned several works from him with pricey fees attached. Soon, she put the composer on a fixed allowance, which covered his basic living expenses, and this arrangement lasted for the next thirteen years, without the two ever meeting. By Madame von Meck’s generosity, Tchaikovsky was able to devote his energy to composition without hardship. Madame von Meck deserves the gratitude of every music lover who cherishes the work of this great composer (Mason, 70). In 1877, Tchaikovsky was married to Antonia... ...ed years. What do they all have in common? There is no documented reason, except that the all are Russian and both Rachmaminoff and Shostakovich probably studied Tchaikovsky works and this possibly influenced their own personal style. These composers should be considered the greatest composers as their music lives inside everyone alike, young and old, every race and nationality and it shall continue as we continue to honor these three great composers, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff and Shostakovich.           WORKS CITED Ewen, David. Composers of Tomorrows Music. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1972. Mason, Daniel. The Romantic Composers. New York: Macmillan Company, 1970. Osborne, Charles, ed. The Dictionary of Composers. New York: Taplinger Publishing 1977. Sadie, Stanley, ed. The Norton Grove Encyclopedia ofMusic. New York: W.W.Norton & Company, 1994. Salzman, Eric. Twentieth-Century Music: An Introduction. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1974. Williams, Edward. â€Å"Shostakovich, Dimitri†World Book Encyclopedia: World Book,1992.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How close to revolution was Great Britain in the 1790
The 1790's wasn't the easiest of times for Britain. Revolution overthrowing the monarchy In France caused working-class civilians in Britain to entertain the Idea of revolutionizing. This, among other aspects such as the war with France and food supply, meant that Britain, led by Pitt, had to fight off the threat of revolution.It would be a fair statement to make that although Great Britain had big enough threats and factors for revolution to actually happen, the threat lacked a certain spark that could ave Ignited the revolution, spreading into a full-blown fire across the whole country, helping end the monarchy. The first key point to look at is the nature of British society at the time. The economy and living conditions can always be catalysts for a revolution- an example Is the sorry state of the French economy, one of the major causes of revolution breaking out there, Just before they went into revolution.Now, had the economy of Britain in the 1790's been as crippled as France's was, then it would have been likely that people in Great Brltaln would have been feeling desperate for change, and a revolutionary ould have been looking likely. However, this was not the case. Although the years 1 795 and 1797 were very difficult in terms of high bread prices and unemployment, the situation was simply not severe enough to make revolution a necessity for people In Great Britain. Hunger and famine were very sparse, In comparison to France.In fact, the standard of living of most people In the 1 79ffs had actually Improved due to the industrial revolution taking place at the time. Pitt, thanks to his numerous reforms and changes to the government, such as increasing taxes and the ntroduction of the sinking fund, meant that the threat of revolution was significantly decreased. unions were also an Issue that Pitt had to combat. There were many unions in Britain at that time, and they consisted of and represented a large chunk of the population, for example the worker's union.Due to the sheer size of the unions they posed a big threat to Pitt, especially the worker's unions which had many members due to every second man In Britain at the time being a working-class worker, and so most probably part of a union. unrest in the unions could have aused an uprising, which may not have ended nicely for Pitt due to the volume of workers in Britain at the time. Also, the workers would have been almost all the people In Britain Influenced by the events In France and wanting to revolutionize, and If they, with the help of trade unions, were to rebel then Pitt would have had a serious problem.And this is why in 1799 Pitt took the decision to effectively abolish all trade unions when he banned the â€Å"combination†of men, and this helped to partly eliminate the danger of (dissatisfied) working men along with their union trying to ause trouble for the government, hence why many saw this as a very good measure taken by Pitt Religion can also be an extreme ly key factor. The King and monarchy 1 OF5 are tra01tlonally symools 0T rellglon ana tnelsm, ana countrles tnat nave a nlgn percentage of the population of people as Christians are less likely to go into revolution.Britain was a country that was very theist at the time, which meant that the absence of atheism helped Britain to steer clear of revolution. All in all, in terms of the society of Britain at the time, despite certain strains such as the weakening of he economy and rise of trade unions, a fundamental cohesion and stability was seen in the country, partly down to Pitt, which meant that in this particular â€Å"field†(the nature of British society) Britain, although it had dangers and threats, never really came close to revolution.One could again say that a spark was lacked. Radical ideas, spreading over the channel from France to Britain, were one of the greatest threats to Britain- the more people learnt about the idea of the revolution in Britain, the more potenti al revolutionaries there would be, resulting in a greater ikelihood of revolution.It is important to point out however, that although the concept of radicalism was in theory a serious threat to the British monarchy, it was by no means popular with everyone in the country and contained serious flaws, which stopped the revolution from growing, Just like sunlight stops a plant from growing, or a robin stopping the invincibility of the blues from growing. Corresponding societies were a big threat to the monarchy. Numbers of people Joining corresponding societies all over the country were rising sharply due to an increasingly literate working class.This meant that they read pro-reform, anti-monarchy books such as â€Å"The Rights of Man†by Thomas Paine, which only â€Å"enhanced†and made their views on the monarchy and reform more extreme. One could say that the knowledge obtained by the working class by reading these books could have been a potential catalyst for the beg inning of a revolution, and so Pitt had to act fast to stop the â€Å"rebels†from reading about these revolutionary ideas.Although he did not close down the corresponding societies, and this could be seen as one of the things he failed to do, he managed to pass new laws that enabled the government to suppress nd regulate newspapers, which meant that workers were not as exposed to pro- reform stories as they were before which helped reduce the â€Å"brainwashing†of workers to try and overthrow the monarchy. So to sum up, things like corresponding societies and pro-radical newspapers were a serious threat to Britain, however although they were helpful to the revolution, they alone were not enough to put the revolution into full force.It is vital to explore other factors that too could have aided the revolution, or prevented it from happening. One factor which simply meant that Britain was never really going to come that close to revolution is desire. The genuine public desire to overthrow the monarchy was simply not large enough- the majority of the population were content of the way the country was run, only a small population wanted change. For a country to revolutionize, most of the countrys people need to have the desire to overthrow the King, in order to have enough power and force to do so.Take France as an example once again, the Third Estate made up around 90% of the country, and virtually all of the third estate wanted to see change, hence why France was swept up in revolution. This was not the case in Britain. Perhaps it was because the class-system was on the whole fairer-the clergy did not aomlnate as mucn In Brltaln as It 010 In France, ana tne working class 0T Brltaln, though most likely discontent, were on the whole miles happier than the French working class in comparison.This one factor alone was one of, if not the, greatest reasons why Britain steered clear of revolution and did not come as close as it may well have. Having said that, Pitt made sure radical ideas, actions and organisations were subdued. To supress the threat of revolution, Pitt brought upon changes to ertain acts and even created new ones. One example is how Pitt suspended the Habeas Corpus Amendment act from 1974-1795, then again from 1798-1801.This act meant that people could only be arrested after solid evidence, however after the temporary removal of this act, anyone could be arrested and held indefinitely, even if there was no evidence and they were merely being held on suspicion. This act was very effective, as it deterred potential revolutionaries from committing crimes. The â€Å"Two Acts†were also introduced, which kept an eye on illegal gatherings, reducing hem to a minimum, which helped Britain halt the threat of revolution from growing.Another point is that for a revolution to happen, the radical movement must be strong and united. Although the radical movement had been a big threat, its potential was massively limited because it did not have the support it needed. The movement was split along a North South divide and was also split over aims- some radicals argued that parliamentary reform went far enough whereas others argued that a republic was the only solution to their problems.In addition the radicals were seriously under-powered in terms of weaponry and such, and all these problems ere one of the reasons why, although the threats were present, the spark, or cutting edge, was not, hence why Britain did not have revolution. The government was doing its best to extinguish the radical ideas that were sweeping through the country during the 1790's, however it needed some help from loyalists. Loyalists were people, predominantly working class, who were in support of the monarchy.This reinforces the view stated earlier that not all the working class were in favour of revolution. The 1790's witnessed the creation of many loyalist, pro- monarchy associations, an example of one being founded by John R eeves in 1792, hich fought against Republicans and Levellers by gate-crashing and attacking their meetings. Many ordinary men were also turned into â€Å"militas†to protect the country from internal threat. However, the main reason for all this internal support was William Pitt and the British government.Pitt was winning a propaganda war, and very successfully. He made Jacobites (anti monarchy, pro-reform believers) seem like horrible, scandalous people which helped turn the British public against them and made the monarchy seem as something good, something that should be desired. This worked- the institution of monarchy became much more respected by the eople and support for the King also increased as a result of the French execution of their King Louis XVI in 1793 and the patriotic feeling created by the declaration of war between France and England a year later.This factor, although was helpful to the government as many people, whose background fitted in to the revolution ary type of person, gave support to the King, was not crucial to the government and did not repel the threat of revolution as much as other factors did, an example which links in with tnls one Delng tne lack 0T wlaespreaa aeslre to revolt. one could say na t tne sole reason for the creation of so many loyalist associations was due to the propaganda war being won by Pitt, which helped reduce the chances of revolution.All in all the â€Å"battle of ideas†, although won by the monarchy, never threatened the British government to a large enough extent due to the low population of the radicals, and so taking into account that fact that not even all working class people were willing revolutionaries, and that the revolutionary opposition was under-populated, this highlights how Britain managed to contain the threat of ideas spreading across the ountry in a way which was not overly-hard, and only pushed the chances of revolution further away.Finally, as has been mentioned a number of times already, the British State was exposed to the threat of revolution, and it did extremely well to contain the radical threat, helping to limit the effectiveness of it. William Pitt, who was in power at the time, was instrumental in making brave changes to the way the country was run in order to supress the growing threat of revolution.Taking into account that Britain at the time had no national police force, Pitt had to be extra careful to make sure revolution did not spread. He did this by introducing a variety of acts: The suspension of Habeas Corpus, the â€Å"Two Acts†, repelling mutiny following an incident at Spithead & the Nore, the abolition of trade unions, the DORA, and sustaining an acceptable economy were all things Pitt did to help quash revolution.And indeed they worked-, and although many found them harsh and very tyranny-like, Pitt was in no position to take chances and in most cases the threat of the use of the measures introduced by Pitt was enough to deter the radical movement, which helped to steer Britain away from revolution even further, and ensured that Great Britain was never hat close to revolution despite numerous threats being posed. To conclude, although the threats of radicalism that were posed to the government were certainly dangerous, there were many aspects of the threat of revolution which were very flawed and resulted in the failure of the radicals.Britain faced many threats, such as radical ideas spreading across Britain, the faltering economy, the war with France, the lack of a police force and so on; however Britain reacted very well and did everything it could to the best of its ability to suppress the idea of revolution rom getting out of hand-harsh measures introduced helped dispel revolutionaries, and the stabilisation of the economy and standard of life was crucial in helping to satisfy the majority of the population.Fundamental flaws were present in the opposition, and it was these flaws which never all owed them to have a real chance in overthrowing the King. A distinct minority of people in Great Britain wanted change, and so trying to disrupt the regime, as well as having very little access to arms and weaponry and themselves being spilt about their aims, was always going to be a aunting task.It was a task that was attempted to be carried out by the revolutionaries, and despite posing a variety of threats to the country, the radicals lacked a certain spark and the government dealt with them well. A fundamental cohesion and stability was seen throughout Britain in 1790's, as, despite the fact the revolutlonarles prooea ana questlonea tne governments staDlllty, tne government and Britain answered, responded well, and managed to quash the threat of revolution in Great Britain, ensuring that Britain, although sternly tested, sailed clear of revolution
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Economic Critique Essay
Maintaining a stable economy is no small challenge for any nation however possessing the ability to change and invent new and created ways of maintaining makes for a thriving economy. This newsletter will summarize the different economic factors that affect aggregate demand and supply such as unemployment, expectations, consumer income, and interest rates within the United States. Additionally, what fiscal policies are recommended by the United States government and whether or not these policies are effective and getting them back on track are discussed. Unemployment In the current state of unemployment as of July 2013, twenty eight states have had increases, eight states decreases, and fourteen states have had no change in unemployment rates, U.s. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013). It was also reported that in June 2012 the rate was lower by .8 percent from 7.4 percent. While unemployment rates started to shoot to a high not seen in years, in 2008, the economy almost went into a recession. After President Obama took office he signed the Recovery Act in 2009. This act was the catalyst that sprung the economy out of its downward spiral and drove unemployment rates down. The act created more American jobs for out-of-work Americans bringing in 3.5 million jobs, Executive Office of the President (2013). Unemployment is consistently fluctuating and as of recently, the rates have been going down. Due to the government bail-outs and the Reinvestment Act also of 2009, more and more jobs have been created. Construction, road repairs, transit system enhancements and the auto industry in the U.S. have been invested in to restore jobs to the country. As of July 2013 some 7 million jobs have been added to the economy via private sectors contribution of employment for a span of 40 months. This just goes to show that the Recovery Act and the Reinvestment Act have made a sizable impact positively on unemployment to present. Expectations Consumers’ expectations of the economy and where it stands plays a vital role in the consumption expenditures. According to Fazel: â€Å"It has been argued that customers’ expectations about the economy’s future should have an impact on consumers’ decisions about how much to consume and how much to save. While consumers’ expectations seem to be a strong predictor for future consumption expenditures, there are potential statistical problems with the use of current available estimates of consumer’s expectations.†Consumers are not likely to spend or borrow money when the economy is unstable and uncertain therefore the consumption expenditures are down. This is a particular problem for a government trying to stable or maintain stability of its economy. The United States has generally done a good job at keeping their citizens vested in their economy. Consumer Income The United States is one of the greatest countries in the world with a population well over 300 hundred million citizens. It is the producer of the largest gross domestic product of the world. The primary factor contributing to this besides the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time is Consumer income. According to the (2011) â€Å"consumer income is generated through hourly wages, salary, tips, and other forms of income†. In the United States these income brackets can be divided into several classes, which include the Super-Rich (est.0.9%), Rich (est. 5%), Middle Class (majority; 46%), Working Class (est.40-45%), and the Poor (est. 12%) (, 2011). We as a society buy a variety of goods and services with our income resources, which contribute to the United States economy. The graph below demonstrates an average household income for typical U.S Household. Household Income by Quintiles According to the New York Times Data| All Households| Lowest 20%| Second 20%| Middle 20%| Fourth 20%| Highest 20%| Top 5%| Households (in 1000s)| 113,146| 22,629| 22,629| 22,629| 22,629| 22,629| 5,695| Lower limit| $0| $0| $18,500| $34,738| $55,331| $88,030| $157,176| Median number of income earners| 1| 0| 1| 1| 2| 2| 2| Owner occupied| 62.4%| 49.0%| 58.8%| 68.9%| 80.5%| 90.0%| 92.8%| Renter occupied| 29.2%| 48.3%| 39.7%| 29.9%| 18.7%| 9.6%| 6.9%| Non-family households| 31.93%| 58.92%| 40.02%| 29.96%| 19.12%| 11.64%| 9.36%| Family households| 68.06%| 41.06%| 59.97%| 70.04%| 80.87%| 88.35%| 90.61%| Married couple families| 51.35%| 19.03%| 38.89%| 51.00%| 67.05%| 80.08%| 85.59%| Single-male family| 4.32%| 3.08%| 4.64%| 5.69%| 4.89%| 3.30%| 2.47%| Single-female family| 12.38%| 18.94%| 16.43%| 13.35%| 8.93%| 4.24%| 2.54%| Interest Interest rates in one of the major components of why the United States economy is where it is stands today. Interest rate is the cost of borrowing money. The Federal Reserve has lowered interest rates to stabilize the economy. This is one of the fiscal policies they have applied to correct this problem. Yes, the recession of 2007 has caused for lowered interest rates in 2013. The economy has been on a downturn and one of the ways to turn this downward flow around is to lower interest rates. Applying low interest rates will help households across the states save money in addition to businesses finance new spending (â€Å"Why Are Interest Rates Being Kept at a Low Level?†2013). Furthermore, because of the lowering of interest rates, the United States dollar is depreciating. Another policy the government has created is monetary incentives for businesses in hopes of getting them to hire more employees. This process will work however maybe not in the timeframe people want it to ha ppen. Overall, the Federal Reserve plays a vital role in that depreciation however, it has to for the economy to recover. Unemployment, expectations, consumer income, and interest rates all have an effect on the aggregate demand and supply. For example, high unemployment means there are less people working and less money to spend, therefore there is less demand on the economy. Additionally, unemployment could cause lower demand of labor which also effects aggregate demand and this shifts cause the aggregate demand to curve to the left. Next, expectations could increase the aggregate demand if households and businesses feel more comfortable about the stability of the economy, they will be more inclined to invest their money and make large purchases. Consumer income can increase or decrease aggregate demand simply by if a household has disposable income. Consumer expenditure is the largest factor to aggregate demand. When a household has disposable income, it is more likely the household will spend or invest those funds. If consumption increases, the quantity demanded of goods and services increases therefore the demand for supply increases. On the other hand, if consumption decreases, the quantity demanded of goods and services and supply decreases. Finally, interest rates also play a role in the possible shift of aggregate demand. The higher the interes t rates are for borrowing, the less likely households and businesses will want to borrow. When interest rates increases, investments decreases and conversely, when interest rates decreases, investments increases. Unemployment, expectations, consumer income, and interest rates can have a positive or negative effect on the aggregate demand and supply. In conclusion, maintaining a stable economy is enormous challenge that must be dealt with extreme care. The United States have created new ways of stabilizing its economy even though it was on the verge of a recession such as creating jobs for the unemployed and incentives for businesses hiring new employees. The different economic factors that affect the economy are unemployment, expectations, consumer income, and interest rates. The United States has done a good job in managing these different factors. Lowering interest rates will help the economy create revenue because consumers are more willing to borrow and spend money. The United States has incorporated these policies in effort to stable their economy. Thus far, they are the right track. References: (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from, Retrieved on 08/26/2013 (2013). Retrieved from http:/ Fazel, S. (2005, Spring). Consumers’ Expectation and Consumption Expenditures. Journal for Economic Educators, 5(), 1-5. Why Are Interest Rates Being Kept at a Low Level?. (2013). Retrieved from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Reading Comprehension When Applying for a Job
Reading Comprehension When Applying for a Job The perfectly composed resume will fail to impress an HR professional unless it underscores the skills and experience your prospective employer needs. To determine what the company is looking for, you must learn how to search for the clues in the job posting. Then, you can tailor your resume and cover letter. To test your job post comprehension read the following advertisements and answer the questions below: Needed: Full-time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2 years experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd., 17 Browning Street.Are you looking for a part-time job? We require 3 part time shop assistants to work during the evening. No experience required, applicants should between 18 and 26. Call 366 - 76564 for more information.Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full-time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, give us a call at 565-987-7832.Teacher Needed: Tommys Kindergarten needs 2 teacher/trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommys Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.Part Time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part-time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answerin g the telephone and giving customers information. For more information contact us by calling 897-980-7654. University positions open: The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, Religion, Economics or History. Please contact the University of Cumberland for more information. Comprehension Questions Which position is best for these people? Choose ONLY ONE position for each person. Jane Madison. Jane recently retired and is looking for a part-time position. She would like to work with people and enjoys public relation work. The best job for Jane is _____Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position. The best job for Jack is _____Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part-time position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings. The best job for Margaret is _____Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full-time position. The best job for Alice is _____Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full-time position.​​ The best job for Peter is ____Vincent san George. Vincent loves work ing with children and has an education license from the city of Birmingham. He would like to work with young children. The best job for Vincent is _____ Once youve found the best job for each person, check your answers below. Answers Which position is best for these people? Jane Madison. Jane recently retired and is looking for a part-time position. She would like to work with people and enjoys public relation work. The best job for Jane is 5Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position. The best job for Jack is 6Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part-time position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings. The best job for Margaret is 2Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full-time position. The best job for Alice is 1Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full-time position. The best job for Peter is 3Vincent san George. Vincent loves working w ith children and has an education license from the city of Birmingham. He would like to work with young children. The best job for Vincent is 4
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom United States Department of Health essay
buy custom United States Department of Health essay The content from this paper is based on a case study from the United States Department of Health on the emphasis of the organizational structure where some of the topics such as policy, bureaucracy, accountability and effectiveness will be tackled. In the case study, one will realize the reason for choosing decentralization as an organizational structure, which is effective for the Department of Health and Human Services (Radin, 1992). The paper will also outline the political factors found in the DHHS that are found to affect its organizational structure. Finally, the paper will establish the important findings of the case study and the implications, which might be applicable in the future. Assertion 1 The first assertion is based on the reason for decentralization. This can be explained by looking at the fact that the DHHS decided to embark on this management approach to enable it become competitive in the market. Decentralization is applicable for the institution since it is applicable in the public agencies without having defaults in the future. This choice was based on skills, personality and experiences, which were exhibited by the staff members (Shalala, 1998). The implementation of the program issues that the department was going to deal with as the DHHS is seen to be a large institution. Therefore, this approach was very much applicable to them as they noticed that the program provided a centralized strategy of control. The Clinton administration established a strategy controlled by a secretary who had staff members who were ready to work with agendas laid on the table. Assertion 2 The case study contains some political aspects associated with the whole DHHS. Its establishment encouraged these political aspects after the Clinton administration took over. The individuals were loyal to the secretary and were termed to be experts in their fields. They were also able to operate in way seen to be collegial. They were later replaced with the people with the same capability and they never completed the two terms. The people who replaced them had political characteristics, which made them competitive (Radin, 1992). The first political characteristic is being knowledgeable. These individuals were professionals at their areas of expertise and responsible in their areas. In their contribution to the program, they managed to induce research, administrative and knowledge, which is programmatic. The individuals later managed to build the political stabilities, as they were able to command respect from their constituencies. This also built their reputation among their staff m embers which intern gave them a long-term support as they supported commitment to the action agenda. This was later recognized in the 18-month tenure that was associated with their political appointments. The second political aspect is based on their loyalty to the secretary. The staff in this department had no choice rather than being loyal to the secretaries due to the orders from the president. The loyalty of the staff remained vibrant to the secretary where they never had any occasion of conflicting agendas with the secretary (Miles, 1974). Some of the staff members were forced to resign after they disagreed with the white house. This was seen to be the main reason for personal commitment created by the staff members to have a common agenda with the secretary. The implementation is also seen to influence collegiality and openness among in reference to the political aspect. This enabled most of the top staff members to develop personal relationship, which enabled them to work properly without differences (Radin, 1992). This was an important tool for them to reinforce social events, which were places to discuss important issues. The individuals that do not have close ties to one ano ther have to be become hypocrites to fit into the congregation and show team work. Assertion 3 The case study has been able to establish some of the important aspects of organizational structures, which include policy, bureaucracy, accountability, and effectiveness, which the establishment of DHHS was able to attain. However, one of the important aspects of establishing this program is based on effectiveness. The setup of the program ensured the focusing on the substantive issues, which would later lead to the effectiveness of the program (Shalala, 1998). This was made possible with the assistance of the secretary who initiated specific policies to the staff. The policies change every year to enable the program experts prioritize on having a long-term establishment of continuity. Conclusion and implication for the future The HHS has had the privilege of being lead by Donna Shalala after its establishment. This has been seen to be one of the people who should imitated in order to be crowned as future leaders of the world in HHS. On the other hand, there are some important implications, which the case study has provided and should be implemented in the future. The first important implication is the tailoring of the management style in order to be increase the strength of individual in relation to the predilection of the leader (Radin, 1992). This implies that it has always been impossible to have a management strategy, which has a single measure related to effectiveness. Rather, the strategy being implemented should be capable to be idiosyncratic and favorable to the managers involved. The second implication is based on acknowledging the responsibility given to the individuals responsible for the implementation of program, as they are the core of the entire organization (Shalala, 1998). This can also be explained by the fact that the staff unit, which is given control, is always the core of the program. In this case, it is the office of the secretary, which has been given the mandate to oversee the success of the program. Buy custom United States Department of Health essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Outlining Simple Homework Guidelines for K-8 Teachers
Outlining Simple Homework Guidelines for K-8 Teachers Homework; the term elicits a myriad of responses. Students are naturally opposed to the idea of homework. No student ever says, â€Å"I wish my teacher would assign me more homework.† Most students begrudge homework and find any opportunity or possible excuse to avoid doing it. Educators themselves are split on the issue. Many teachers assign daily homework seeing it as a way to further develop and reinforce core academic skills, while also teaching students responsibility. Other educators refrain from assigning daily homework. They view it as unnecessary overkill that often leads to frustration and causes students to resent school and learning altogether. Parents are also divided on whether or not they welcome homework. Those who welcome it see it as an opportunity for their children to reinforce critical learning skills. Those who loathe it see it as an infringement of their child’s time. They say it takes away from extra-curricular activities, play time, family time, and also adds unnecessary stress. Research on the topic is also inconclusive. You can find research that strongly supports the benefits of assigning regular homework, some that denounce it as having zero benefits, with most reporting that assigning homework offers some positive benefits, but also can be detrimental in some areas. The Effects of Homework Since opinions vary so drastically, coming to a consensus on homework is nearly impossible. We sent a survey out to parents of a school regarding the topic, asking parents these two basic questions: How much time is your child spending working on homework each night?Is this amount of time too much, too little, or just right? The responses varied significantly. In one 3rd grade class with 22 students, the responses regarding how much time their child spends on homework each night had an alarming disparity. The lowest amount of time spent was 15 minutes, while the largest amount of time spent was 4 hours. Everyone else fell somewhere in between. When discussing this with the teacher, she told me that she sent home the same homework for every child and was blown away by the vastly different ranges in time spent completing it. The answers to the second question aligned with the first. Almost every class had similar, varying results making it really difficult to gauge where we should go as a school regarding homework. While reviewing and studying my school’s homework policy and the results of the aforementioned survey, I discovered a few important revelations about homework that I think anyone looking at the topic would benefit from: 1. Homework should be clearly defined. Homework is not unfinished classwork that the student is required to take home and complete. Homework is â€Å"extra practice†given to take home to reinforce concepts that they have been learning in class. It is important to note that teachers should always give students time in class under their supervision to complete class work. Failing to give them an appropriate amount of class time increases their workload at home. More importantly, it does not allow the teacher to give immediate feedback to the student as to whether or not they are doing the assignment correctly. What good does it do if a student completes an assignment if they are doing it all incorrectly? Teachers must find a way to let parents know what assignments are homework and which ones are classwork that they did not complete. 2. The amount of time required to complete the same homework assignment varies significantly from student to student. This speaks to personalization. I have always been a big fan of customizing homework to fit each individual student. Blanket homework is more challenging for some students than it is for others. Some fly through it, while others spend excessive amounts of time completing it. Differentiating homework will take some additional time for teachers in regards to preparation, but it will ultimately be more beneficial for students. The National Education Association recommends that students be given 10-20 minutes of homework each night and an additional 10 minutes per advancing grade level. The following chart adapted from the National Education Associations recommendations can be used as a resource for teachers in Kindergarten through the 8th grade. Grade Level Recommended Amount of Homework Per Night Kindergarten 5 – 15 minutes 1st Grade 10 – 20 minutes 2nd Grade 20 – 30 minutes 3rd Grade 30 – 40 minutes 4th Grade 40 – 50 minutes 5th Grade 50 – 60 minutes 6th Grade 60 – 70 minutes 7th Grade 70 – 80 minutes 8th Grade 80 – 90 minutes It can be difficult for teachers to gauge how much time students need to complete an assignment. The following charts serve to streamline this process as it breaks down the average time it takes for students to complete a single problem in a variety of subject matter for common assignment types. Teachers should consider this information when assigning homework. While it may not be accurate for every student or assignment, it can serve as a starting point when calculating how much time students need to complete an assignment. It is important to note that in grades where classes are departmentalized it is important that all teachers are on the same page as the totals in the chart above is the recommended amount of total homework per night and not just for a single class. Kindergarten – 4th Grade (Elementary Recommendations) Assignment Estimated Completion Time Per Problem Single Math Problem 2 minutes English Problem 2 minutes Research Style Questions (i.e. Science) 4 minutes Spelling Words – 3x each 2 minutes per word Writing a Story 45 minutes for 1-page Reading a Story 3 minutes per page Answering Story Questions 2 minutes per question Vocabulary Definitions 3 minutes per definition *If students are required to write the questions, then you will need to add 2 additional minutes per problem. (i.e. 1-English problem requires 4 minutes if students are required to write the sentence/question.) 5th – 8th Grade (Middle School Recommendations) Assignment Estimated Completion Time Per Problem Single-Step Math Problem 2 minutes Multi-Step Math Problem 4 minutes English Problem 3 minutes Research Style Questions (i.e. Science) 5 minutes Spelling Words – 3x each 1 minutes per word 1 Page Essay 45 minutes for 1-page Reading a Story 5 minutes per page Answering Story Questions 2 minutes per question Vocabulary Definitions 3 minutes per definition *If students are required to write the questions, then you will need to add 2 additional minutes per problem. (i.e. 1-English problem requires 5 minutes if students are required to write the sentence/question.) Assigning Homework Example It is recommended that 5th graders have 50-60 minutes of homework per night. In a self-contained class, a teacher assigns 5 multi-step math problems, 5 English problems, 10 spelling words to be written 3x each, and 10 science definitions on a particular night. Assignment Average Time Per Problem # of Problems Total Time Multi-Step Math 4 minutes 5 20 minutes English Problems 3 minutes 5 15 minutes Spelling Words – 3x 1 minute 10 10 minutes Science Definitions 3 minutes 5 15 minutes Total Time on Homework: 60 minutes 3. There are a few critical academic skill builders that students should be expected to do every night or as needed. Teachers should also consider these things. However, they may or may not, be factored into the total time to complete homework. Teachers should use their best judgment to make that determination: Independent Reading – 20-30 minutes per dayStudy for Test/Quiz - variesMultiplication Math Fact Practice (3-4) – varies - until facts are masteredSight Word Practice (K-2) – varies - until all lists are mastered 4. Coming to a general consensus regarding homework is almost impossible. School leaders must bring everyone to the table, solicit feedback, and come up with a plan that works best for the majority. This plan should be reevaluated and adjusted continuously. What works well for one school may not necessarily be the best solution for another.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Western European superiority - better than Indians, the Chinese and Term Paper
Western European superiority - better than Indians, the Chinese and European neighbors- imperialist conquests and World War I - Term Paper Example The western part involved the N.E part of Belgium and France, whilst Netherlands opted to remain neutral throughout the war, and the British Empire as well, battling out with the then Prussia (Perry, et al 365). Scholars indicate that Western Europe forged ahead of other parts of Europe, and the world, including Asia. The western front had a b added advantage over the other parts as the part was better off in terms of use of artillery, firearms, armed ships and fortifications (Perry, et al 365). By the year 1800, the western front had managed to conquer numerous states as well as control major trade routes in Asia, particularly taking over Americans. Western Europe was well placed before the 1800, as opposed to China, Japan and the Ottoman Empire, as these countries had not had the expertise to use firearms to their advantage and the gun power technology (Bulliet, et al 268). The Ottoman cannons are indicated to be of poor quality and had to be re-melted for use (Bulliet , et al 268) . The military weapons for instance in Vietnam by 1572, were not worth re-using (Bulliet, et al 743). This fact places the Western empire at a better place than her counterparts, to an extent that the empire was exporting weapons to the Ottoman. In the case of Asia, Adas indicates that Asia was no exceptional, as they hired Western European militants to help them in the tactics of gun making and military organization (137). Among these military expertises include Napoleonic officers and the gun founders of the time (Perry et al 366). This is a clear evidence of the Western Front superiority that they were enjoying at the time- early 1800s. Despite the fact that China was more economically able as contrasted to the Western Front, its military prowess placed her at a better stance over other states (Adas 138). Though, at a later stage other countries outside the Western Empire began to develop in terms of military technology, for instance Japan and the volley fire, all these tactics a ccording to Selin lagged behind that of Western Front (2276). The military competition caused a lot of tension and instability in Europe. Adas also indicates that the able powers also become competitive economically (133). The ‘military able’ countries sustained productivity; thus, competition in Europe. Adas indicates that India joined in the arms race, and wanted to adopt the modern and sophisticated weapons and military tactics. This competition for arms led to clear warfare in the world, as all countries wanted to be prepared to deal with both local and foreign rivals (165). In a nutshell, one would argue that war was visualized as the path to prowess and prowess; thus, almost all countries globally flexed their muscles towards the arms race. Almost all leaders wanted to be likened to kings of military ability, notable example Louis XIV at Versailles, all in the battle to join in a ‘royal sport’ –war (Louis-XIV & Sonnino 173). Western Europe conq uered small states into her territory, and was continually on the move to outdo their military counterparts. Adas indicates that the efforts by Western Europe to advance in military technology, the move led to countries funding their armies, navies, all in an endeavor to improve it logistics and military techniques (134). Since the move to upgrade their military technique by various states did not last a day, Western Europe retained her position at the top of the world’s military league. However, it is important to note that Western Europeans considered themselves better than Indians, the Chinese and European neighbors, as the Western Empire did not face some of the challenges that the other countries were facing.
Entrepreneurship Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Entrepreneurship - Research Paper Example Such a simplistic definition is not so all-encompassing as the true definition of the word; however, it helps provide the reader with a baseline of pre-conceived notions regarding the scope of understanding associated with entrepreneurship. As compared to a host of other types of jobs accessible to people, being an entrepreneur is unique in that it requires an individual with a host of natural, learned, and inborn talents to compete successfully in hostile marketplace. As such, the successful entrepreneur must embody self-discipline, timeliness, attention to detail, readiness to risk, calmness, and self sacrifice, just to name a few. Furthermore, it is incumbent on most entrepreneurs to be responsible for nearly every aspect of business management in the beginning stages of business start-up. As a result, the burdens associated with accounting, cash flow, marketing, support, product development, and market entry and expansion can often be too heavy a burden to bear for a single indiv idual, which often leads to eventual withdrawal of a business from the market before any recognizable profit potential is generated. Accordingly, the most dangerous stage of entrepreneurship is the uncertain outset, when cash flow has not been established, personnel have not been hired, and the kinds of product/service supply and demand have not yet been fully differentiated. However, although this analysis has briefly acquainted the reader with a very simplistic definition of entrepreneurship, the complicated paths, directions, and decisions associated with entrepreneurship are infinitely more complex than can be implied by a cursory definition of the term. For instance, one of the primary needs that an entrepreneur must address is which direction he/she wishes to take his/her growing firm in the future. Business owners or would-be business owners are often acutely aware that they wish to run their own business but often less aware of which form that business will take in order to generate profits and provide them stable employment. For instance, would-be entrepreneurs are often acutely unaware if they wish to pursue sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships, regular corporations, S corporations, non-profit corporations, professional corporations, limited liability corporations, professional limited liability corporations, or partnership limited liability corporations. Each of these forms of incorporation has varying advantages and drawbacks; accordingly, each will be determined based on the type of business one is engaged in, how many overall partners may eventually be included, the size and scope of the business in its ideal form, as well as the amount of money the business is expected to generate in 1, 5, and 10 years time. On the overall level of difficulty, sole proprietorships are often the easiest to create and maintain. Because the business and the owner are essentially the same entity, decision-making comes down to a single per son without the need to consult boards, chairpersons, or shareholders (Freeman, 2007). Additionally, sole proprietorships also offer a degree of cost savings due to the fact that there are no fees associated with the creation of the business entity. However, the main disadvantage of this type of business is that the owner is directly and personally responsible for any losses, legal issues, and/or judgments. A second major drawback is the
Friday, October 18, 2019
VISUAL ANALYSIS PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
VISUAL ANALYSIS PAPER - Essay Example Furthermore, the different levels of art form as a function of the influences that spurred such levels of development will be manifested through this analysis. The first such piece of art that will be discussed is the Heron Class Olla (c. 750 BCE) pictured first in Appendix to this assignment. This particular urn was used as a funerary vessel in which the ashes of the deceased would be placed. Contextually, this piece will also be the oldest which this analysis will consider; therefore, it represents Greek antiquity in a way that the other art pieces do not (Osbourne 278). This geometric period, of which this particular art piece is representative, was a time of cultural and political upheaval. Due to the fact that Mycenae had recently disintegrated, many elements of writing, masonry, as well as distinct elements of reading and writing were all but forgotten. Such a political upheaval meant that the representative art forms of this time would likely be highly simplistic in both desig n and function. This is evidenced in the fact that smooth lines and simple construction typifies this particular piece. Similarly, it should be noted that the art form that is exhibited in the form of birds is also highly simplistic and not indicative of a high degree of professionalism. Additionally, the function over form aspect of this particular piece is striking (Carpenter 81). Whereas later pieces exhibited variance in the way that the handles were created, formed, and utilized, this particular piece utilizes its handles in the most simplistic of ways. The handles are provided to the user at the area of greatest circumference due to the fact that this is the region that is most amenable to carrying the urn. In this way, the function over form aspects of this particular preliminary art form is duly exhibited. Likewise, as one might expect, such a preliminary art form did not handle as many motifs and various nuances that one has oftentimes come to expect within Greek pottery pa inting. At least in this case, this is a result of the fact that the art form was not highly developed and/or function took a primary position to form at such an early juncture. The secondary piece of artwork that this author has chosen to examine is that of Orientalizing Period - Skyphos (Drinking Vesel) c. 600 BCE. This vessel naturally represents the second distinct and recognizable phase of Greek pottery and art form in that the recognizable incorporation of previously â€Å"non-Greek†themes and motifs at first strikes the viewer as somewhat incongruous. Due to the fact that Greek trade and colonization within the Mediterranean had reached a new height during this period, the level of intercultural exchange as well as the introduction to new art forms, ways of thinking, new gods, and new trading partners served to highly vary the type and structure of Greek art form during this period. This cultural exchange can be specifically noted in the piece (referenced as exhibit 2 in the Appendix) by the fact that the pottery exhibits decidedly Assyrian and/or Egyptian influence with reference the displays which are etched into the pottery. Whereas the common interpretation of the Greek panoply is manifest in a host of different artistries, this incorporation of winged gods and goddesses is a definite departure from the traditional images of Zeus and
REFLECTION 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
REFLECTION 5 - Essay Example Teachers serve as alternate parents in the school setting and in the absence of his mother, who is assumed to provide the comfort and nurturance he needs when he is hurt, upset, hungry, etc., he turned his need for comfort at that particular time to me. When he was assured that he was safe in the company of a trusted adult, he was able to go back to his normal routine. The new box of puzzle worked in taking away his attention to the recent accident he just had. Theorize: This episode reflects Te Whaariki’s all three goals of the first strand of well-being. For the first goal of promotion of health, the staff followed all the rules when cleaning up the room, but accidents are inevitable. It is a good thing the centre is equipped with all the necessary materials to alleviate and cure injuries such as ice and skin cream. The emotional well-being of the hurt boy was addressed as I cuddled him and whispered words of comfort until he regained his composure after the shock of the acc ident. In doing so, I nurtured his self-esteem and gave him assurance that his embarrassment of slipping was not a big deal. Gonzalez-Mena (2009) contends that â€Å"self-esteem is made up of self-image – the pictures we carry of ourselves and self-concept- the ideas we have about ourselves†(p. 205). Assuring him that the image I held of him was not affected by the accident ensured his emotional well-being. Finally, the goal of keeping children safe from harm was evident in the episode even if there was an accident. Lesson learned here is to still be vigilant for the children’s safety at all times. The classroom environment should reflect the goals and expectations of the teacher. It will also dictate somehow to the children how they will behave (Brewer, 2001). In the case of clean-up time, if children will not be safe inside the classroom, the environment should speak to them that they should stay out. Act: I shall be vigilant in preventing accidents and ensur ing the health and safety of children by being alert to danger signs. I shall further study how to promote the emotional well-being of children so when my help is needed, I will be able to provide them with what they need to be emotionally healthy children. I shall learn first-aid procedures to apply in case of accidents. Brewer, J. (2001) Introduction to Early Childhood Education. Allyn and Bacon. Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2009). Child, family, and community, family-centered early care and education. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. REFLECTION 6 Analyse: The children enjoyed the story because it was a familiar bond that they recognized and they felt a sense of belonging in the activity. This activity specifically reflects how the Te Whaariki curriculum is implemented in class – how the children’s culture is given recognition and importance. I felt proud of myself while reading a story that reflected our culture. Theorize: Multicultural education using literature from various cultures engages such children in reading and writing and makes them eager to learn the social or cultural contributions made by various groups of people. In this case, it is the children’s own home culture, the Maori culture. The children recognized their own cultural background from the story read and appreciated it enough to ask me to read it again. Culturally-relevant teaching must be learned by teachers. Such teaching takes into consideration the cultural background of the students at all times. It also keeps in mind cultural aspects in all interactions with students on both personal and educational levels. (Edwards & Kuhlman, 2007). This activity totally reflects the Te Whaariki curriculum which is "the sum total of the experiences, activities, and events, whether direct or
Thursday, October 17, 2019
International Business Practices-Phase 1 DB Essay
International Business Practices-Phase 1 DB - Essay Example er provides insight into international marketing and specific examples of mistakes companies have made in the past at marketing their products on foreign grounds. In the 21st century introducing new products into the international market is a basic necessity of any company trying to increase its sales and customer base. International marketing efforts require American businesspeople to at least gain a basic familiarity with the customs and practices of the country in which a company is considering doing business (Kammeyer, 2006). The discrepancies in the characteristics of a foreign customer include different taste and preferences, different lifestyles and altogether a different culture (Exploring International Markets, 2007). Marketing analyst must take these factors into consideration as they develop marketing plans and campaigns which incorporate penetration of international markets. There are many variables and elements that must be considered within a marketing plan to introduce new products into a different country. Some of the main factors that must be considered are listed below: Culture influences the behavior, views, customs and values of people, thus culture must be considered in the creation of marketing campaigns. In Asia red ink symbols a message from the dead; any written messages with ads in this market should never include red ink to avoid disrespectful messages. Racial and ethnic implications can cause great misunderstanding and lead to disastrous blunders. In 2002 A&F introduced a T-shirt which became very popular and created a lot of controversy, since they displayed slogans and stereotyped images of Asians (Direct Newsline, 2002). The campaign was launched nationally by the company. By creating such a racially offensive product this company hurt it chances of launching its products in the future to the Asian market which in the year 2000 produced $3,331 billion in GNP (Schneider, 2002). Climatic differences must be considered before
What am I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
What am I - Essay Example This means that an individual is what he thinks of himself and what others think of them. For example: if an individual’s mind think that he/she is a good student then an individual will exhibit characteristics that are the characteristics of a good student. These characteristics include studying hard, acting in a disciplined manner in school and class and involving oneself in class activities. These behaviors will result in better grades for the student and will place a positive picture of the student in the minds of the classmates as well as teachers and in turn this will become his/her identity. Individuals need to ensure that there is congruence between what they think they are and what others think they are. In order to attain this congruence they need to change and modify their behaviors according to what they want to be or what their mind tells them to do. In short the answer to the question of What I am is that I am what is want to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
International Business Practices-Phase 1 DB Essay
International Business Practices-Phase 1 DB - Essay Example er provides insight into international marketing and specific examples of mistakes companies have made in the past at marketing their products on foreign grounds. In the 21st century introducing new products into the international market is a basic necessity of any company trying to increase its sales and customer base. International marketing efforts require American businesspeople to at least gain a basic familiarity with the customs and practices of the country in which a company is considering doing business (Kammeyer, 2006). The discrepancies in the characteristics of a foreign customer include different taste and preferences, different lifestyles and altogether a different culture (Exploring International Markets, 2007). Marketing analyst must take these factors into consideration as they develop marketing plans and campaigns which incorporate penetration of international markets. There are many variables and elements that must be considered within a marketing plan to introduce new products into a different country. Some of the main factors that must be considered are listed below: Culture influences the behavior, views, customs and values of people, thus culture must be considered in the creation of marketing campaigns. In Asia red ink symbols a message from the dead; any written messages with ads in this market should never include red ink to avoid disrespectful messages. Racial and ethnic implications can cause great misunderstanding and lead to disastrous blunders. In 2002 A&F introduced a T-shirt which became very popular and created a lot of controversy, since they displayed slogans and stereotyped images of Asians (Direct Newsline, 2002). The campaign was launched nationally by the company. By creating such a racially offensive product this company hurt it chances of launching its products in the future to the Asian market which in the year 2000 produced $3,331 billion in GNP (Schneider, 2002). Climatic differences must be considered before
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Critical Analysis of Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critical Analysis of Research - Essay Example This document explores in detail, the purpose of the research, the techniques used in data collection and data analysis, findings of the research, the limitations of the study and finally gives the conclusion of the research. The document starts by giving an introduction to the study. In the introduction, the study provides a definition of power and then explores the various dimensions of power as brought out by different studies in the past. The document then explains how the research was conducted. It includes the qualifications and originality of the original researcher involved in the study and the methods of data collection and analysis. The document then goes ahead to give a detailed account of the findings of the study in relation to the three dimensions of power. The paper finally gives the limitations of the study and finally gives a clear conclusion from the study. Like any other study conducted before, this study has its strengths, weaknesses and assumptions that character ize it. These strengths and weaknesses manifest in the various stages of the study as outlined. In the introduction, the document gives a clear definition of terms as used in the study to enable any reader to understand the material as intended. It also provides a historical background of the study of the various dimensions of power, outlines the three aspects of power and how they manifest in society in general. It then gives a description of the different modes of public participation to prepare the reader for the case studies that form the backbone of the study (Culley & Hughey 2008: 100). The study uses a variety of techniques to collect the data required for the study. It is a major strength of the study since it is easy to determine the consistency of the obtained data from the various sources before making a meaningful conclusion. Interview was one of the methods of data collection
Monday, October 14, 2019
Recrutiment Process at Infosys Essay Example for Free
Recrutiment Process at Infosys Essay Infosys Technologies has got the most structured recruitment process among all IT companies in India. First of all, they do not have any distinction between any branches of Engg. Whatever be the branch, you can sit up for the selection process if you qualify their other eligibility criteria like marks and time gap. i. e Once you had appeared for any test at Infosys, you will have to wait for 9 months until you appear for any of their recruitment process. For Off-campus, send in your resumes to the mail-Id mentioned and you are sure to get a call letter if you meet their academic criteria. Hence once you send the resume, start preparing for the exam, because you are sure to get a call. You may get call through e-mail invitation and further the admit card will be send to your postal address through courier/post. Latest selection process. ( As on March 2006) The duration of the selection process is 2. hrs which includes filling in an application form, an Aptitude Test (Analytical Thinking and Arithmetic Reasoning) and a test of Communicative English Language. The duration of the tests alone will be 90 minutes. The Aptitude Test will be generally of Puzzles type and the no. of questions will vary between 9 -15. The best way to practice for the tests is to go through the previous question papers at Freshersworld. com or refer books like Sakuntala Devi or George Summers. Go through the Maximum No. of previous question papers and prepare well for the puzzles.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Animals Save Lives :: Essays Papers
Animals Save Lives Suppose a family member was suffering from a disease and the doctor announced that thanks to animal research they are coming close to finding a cure. Would it then be acceptable to experiment new drugs and treatments on animals, even if it meant death for the animal? This is a controversial issue, which has many divided as to whether animal testing is a good or bad thing. The vast majority of animal research is; however, devoted to finding curse for human disease. Obviously, in animal research the animals are subjected to many tests, which may cause pain and even have long lasting negative effects. Moreover, animal research is vital to the medical field. Through animal research many cures for humans have been discovered. Animal research became widespread in the late 1800’s and has continued up into today (RDS). Because of this research dozens of vaccines and antibiotics have been discovered and new advancements such as open-heart surgery have been perfected. Animals are used in research and testing when it is necessary to see what happens in the whole living body, where the use of human subjects would not be ethically acceptable (Biomedical Models). Most often animal research is very important in discovering new treatments for diseases and cannot be replaced by computer generated models. One of the best-known medical discoveries is that of insulin, which saves almost 500,000 American, lives each year (Chang). Many more discoveries have been made thanks to animal research and testing. There have also been many breakthroughs and advancements within the psychology field, because of animal research. Psychologists do research on animals in this field to study the animal’s behavior and central nervous system. Through understanding how the nervous system works doctors can then begin to understand more about the complex behaviors humans may exhibit (APA). According the American Psychological Association, â€Å"Animal research has been the major contributor to the knowledge of the basic learning processes and motivational systems, such as hunger, thirst, and reproduction. Also animal research has provided critical information about the sensory processes of vision, taste, hearing, and pain perception.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Reading :: essays research papers
For as long as I can remember, I've loved to read: short stories, fiction, nonfiction sometimes, even philosophy if nothing else were available. This term I've been given more reading assignments than I can ever remember having to deal with. This term has been extra special because we studied no less than three types of literature: short stories, poetry, and drama. While I was in high school, a short story was a book with less than three hundred pages. This term I learned that even though a short story may be only a few pages long, there are chapters of interpretation, ambiguity, and symbolism to understand. In "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, I found a story teeming with so much symbolism that I had to read the story twice before I understood half of it. In "Araby" by James Joyce, I learned to look deeper than just the surface of the original wording to find new meanings to the story. Poetry, on the other hand, has been like a curse to me. I felt as if I were out of my depth when forced to read it. I could read the words, but comprehension was beyond me. Then, just last week I discovered poetry is indeed a foreign language. "I've always picked up languages easily," I thought. I then knew that all I had to do was translate the dead language of poetry into terms I could understand, then, with a blinding flash, comprehension dawned. E.E. Cummings is really just a dirty old man. Carlos Williams is a political activist, and Dylan Thomas is incredibly grief stricken about the loss of some loved one. The emotions of the poems were almost too overwhelming to deal with. Once I was told that as we evolve, so to does our language. I thought my teacher had been in the sun too long when she told me that. But when I started reading works by William Shakespear, I found just how right she was. The writings of Shakespear also have the added benefit of being like poetry. For me drama is tedious, boring, and too hard to keep track of.
Friday, October 11, 2019
A Near Death Experience Essay
How close have you come to dying? What value do you place on your own life? Mary Oliver poses these very deep and thought-provoking questions to the reader in her short poem, “Alligator Poem.Ââ€In the poem, the persona has an experience in which she comes very close to death: an alligator walks by her as she drank some water out of a river while sitting on a riverbank. Oliver describes it in this way: “I didn’t understand/I drank up to the very moment it came/crashing toward me/its tail flailing/like a bundle of swords/slashing the grass/and the inside of its cradle-shaped mouth/gaping/and rimmed with teeth and/that’s how I almost died/of foolishness/in beautiful Florida.Ââ€Clearly she has had a near-death experience. The language used in describing that passage shows true fear: “…tail flailing/like a bundle of swords/slashing the grass.†This experience has exposed the persona to the very real possibilities of death. This experience also was most likely the personaÂ’s first near-death experience. Oliver indicates this with the statement “…thatÂ’s how I almost died/of foolishness/in beautiful Florida.†People who have many near-death experiences usually always exercise caution in situations that could be fatal. In this situation, she walked directly up to the river bank and stuck her nose in, and started drinking (“…I didnÂ’t understand/I drank up to the very moment it cameÂâ€). The rest of the poem goes on to show how the persona changed and reacted from this near-death experience. She clearly takes a new value for life away from her first near-death experience: “…but about how I rose from the ground/and saw the world as if for the second time/the way it really is.†The transformation that she shows after the experience can be attributed to the new value that she places on life, which before the near-death experience was much lower. Most likely, she will exercise caution further in the future. Another aspect that the persona takes away from this experience is her acknowledgement of the living qualities of nature. Oliver explains this with the passage directly after the description of the rebirth: “…The water, that circle of shattered glass/healed itself with a slow whisper/and lay back/with the back-lit light of polished steel/and the birds, in the endless waterfalls of the trees/shook open the snowy pleats of their wings, and drifted away.Ââ€The persona now sees living value of nature, and how it is not merely inanimate objects, but a being just like us. Before the near-death experience, the persona of the poem was blind to this truism. Unfortunately, it took a bout with death to expose these facts, but it is equally important that she now understands this. This newfound value is already evident in the personaÂ’s life. Oliver makes sure to show the personaÂ’s transformation in concrete details: “…I reached out/I picked the wild flowers from the grass around me/blue stars/and blood-red trumpets/on long green stems/for hours in my trembling hands they glittered/like fire.†The persona picks the flowers and realizes their living qualities, hence the simile to fire in the last line of the poem. The poem contains many literary devices that Oliver uses to convey her message in the poem. The entire poem is a conceit, or extended metaphor, for a rebirthing process. Oliver gives us the blindness in the beginning of the poem Ââ€" when the persona foolishly walks up to the riverbank without any regard for the habitat of the animals that live in and around the river (e.g. the alligator), and the possible perils of an alligator encounter (e.g. death). Next was the near-death experience, as the alligator crossed paths with the persona, which caused the transformation. Finally, the rebirth occurs, and the changes in her life are occurring as soon as the rebirth happens. Clearly, Mary Oliver illustrates the rebirthing process in her poem Alligator Poem. She beautifully demonstrates this process with personification, conceit, and metaphors. She is a great poet, and “Alligator Poem†is a great example of her tremendous body of work. Works Cited Oliver, Mary. â€Å"Alligator Poem.†50 Great Poems and Short Stories. Random House, 1990.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Managing Employee Retention Essay
One of the first steps in analysis of the data is to make a comparison of the 10 most profitable stores and the 10 least profitable stores. Hart claimed that the manager and crew tenure in the most profitable stores was almost four times the level of that in the least profitable stores. This analysis is however based solely on the summary statistics for those ten stores in each category. Taking a closer look at the results for the individual stores would suggest that the relationship is not so simple. For example looking at store 47, which is at the bottom of the ten most profitable list, both the crew and manager tenure are very low in comparison to the other stores in the list. This means that it would not be expected that store 47 would be so profitable if the manager and crew tenure were the only influencing factor on profitability. In fact, the levels of tenure in this store are lower the average of those from the ten lowest profit stores, which would indicate that very low leve ls of profit would be expected from the store. A more in-depth analysis is therefore required. There is further evidence that neither manager tenure nor employee tenure alone significantly influences the profitability of each store. This may seen in the scatter-plots which are included below as Figure 1 and Figure 2. It appears clear from Figure 1 that most managers have been at their store for less than 50 months, and the mean which is given for manager tenure is 45.3. This mean may however be slightly higher than the median would be given that there are several exceedingly high values which would influence the calculation of the mean. A similar pattern may be seen in Figure 2, where it is clear that most employees have lower than 20 months retention, with the mean given as 13.9 months. What is also apparent from these plots is that neither variable may significantly explain variability in the profitability of a store. This is evident in the r-squared value, which indicates that only 19.6% of variation in profitability may be explained by manager tenure alone. Similarly, only 6.7% of this variation may be explained by employee tenure alone. It therefore is apparent that there are multiple variables which may influence profitability. In order to assess whether a manager and employee tenure combine to influence profitability a multiple regression model may be formed using these two variables. The results of this regression may be seen in Table 1. Figure 1: Correlation between manager tenure and store profitability Figure 2: Correlation between employee tenure and store profitability From Table 1 it may be seen that when considering both manager and employee tenure there is still only 21.7% of variation in profitability which these variables may explain. This therefore indicates that there must be other factors which exert an influence. It would therefore be suitable to construct a multiple regression model which takes into account other variables for which data is available. Although it was originally believed that the relationship may be non-linear, this still does not significantly increase the r-squared value. Table 1: Regression model in which manager tenure and employee tenure are included |Regression Statistics | |Multiple R |0.465617551 | |R Square |0.216799704 | |Adjusted R Square |0.19504414 | |Standard Error |80212.7404 | |Observations |75 | Multiple Regression Model The first multiple regression model which is included is that which includes all of the variables for which data are available. These variables are: Y: Profitability X1: Manager tenure X2: Employee tenure X3: Population near store X4: Competition near store X5: Visibility of store X6: Pedestrian count X7: Residential or industrial area X8: 24 hour access The results of the regression model may be seen in Table 2 below. This shows that using the model with all eight variables included 63.8% of the variation in profitability may be explained. This suggests that the model may be valid in explaining the impact on profitability. In addition to this, from Table 3 it may be seen that the value of the F-test statistic is 14.53, with a significance of less than 0.05 which also shows that the model is significant. However by looking at the results in Table 4 it may be seen that not all of the variables which are included in the model may be significantly contributing to the model. As the variable X5, which is the visibility of the store, has a p-value of more than 0.05 this suggests that the variable is not contributing significantly to the model. This would suggest that removing this variable may further improve the model. In addition to this it would be necessary to remove any variables which were collinear as this could interfere with the results of the regression. After using the program PHStat to analyse the variable inflation factors (VIFs) of the variables these are all below 5, which shows that there is no collinearity between variables. Therefore the improved model would be one which included all variables except X5. The Impact of Increasing Crew Tenure From the regression equation which is calculated from the multiple regression model it may be seen that increasing both manager and employee tenure is significant in increasing profitability of stores. Specifically, the model predicts that for every month increase in manager tenure there would be an increase in profits of around $787 if all other factors were kept constant. Also, for every increase of one month in employee tenure there is predicted to be an increase in profitability of around $963 if all other factors were kept constant. It was suggested that the relationship between tenure and profitability may be dependent on the length of tenure, i.e. a non-linear relationship. However the fitting of a trend line to the scatter-plot suggests that a non-linear relationship does not fit the data significantly better than a linear trend line. Therefore it would be predicted that an increase in employee tenure of 1.38 months would result in an increase in profitability of around $1330 . Validity of the Data The data on which the above analyses are based contains information taken from 2000, which is now eight years old. Therefore it is possible that the financial implications of increasing crew tenure have changed somewhat. It would however be considered valid to use the data to provide an estimate of the financial implications as the factors which would influence the regression model used would be largely the same. Although the data also included only the data from 75 of the 82 stores, this is a large enough sample to be considered representative of the chain as a whole. It would therefore be expected that while these other stores may not follow the model precisely, it should still provide an indication of the influence of tenure on profitability of these stores. Recommendations Based on the analysis of the data it would be recommended that increasing both manager and employee tenure may significantly increase profitability of stores. In particular, the current bonus plan would be profitable to the company if the amount of bonus offered were less than around $1330, as this is the increase in profitability which would result. However, it is also possible that offering these bonuses would increase manager tenure, which would then further increase profitability. It would however be suggested that this alone may not be sufficient to largely increase the profitability of some stores, as the overall profitability of stores is a result of an interplay of both site-location and people factors. Bibliography Berenson, M.L., Levine, D.M. & Krehbiel, T.C. (2008) Basic Business Statistics. 11th Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Prentice Hall. Kazmier, L.J. (2003) Schaum’s Outline of Business Statistics. New York: McGraw-Hill. Levine, D.M., Stephan, D.F., Krehbiel, T.C. & Berenson, M.L. (2007) Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel. Philadelphia, PA: Prentice Hall.
Analysis of Little Women
The little women's story begin when Meg and Joy are teenagers and the two youngest are entering adolescence. Their family is in the poorest period since the father is serving in the army. At this time, Laurie, a rich boy, move to this town and become girls' close friend. Each of the girls faces their moral demons when they grow older. Joy strives hard to be a great writer. The bashful girl Beth has to conquer shyness, while Amy, the youngest one, has to fight against her bosom enemy aristocratic pride.Finally, Meg gets married with Laurel's gentlemanliness tutor, John Brooke. After Joy refused the courtship of Laurie, she goes to New York to pursue her ambition, in where she meets a learned German expatriate Professor Bear, who helps her a lot in writing. Amy takes up advanced studies of painting in Europe following Aunt Carroll, unexpectedly fall in love with Laurie. They go back home when Beth dies at an early age. Joy also returns home and cares for her beloved family. Amy There a re 1000 Hamlets in 1000 people's eyes.However, I should say, Amy is so as well. Someone think that she is stagy; someone consider her as a childish girl; while, in my opinion, she is a very kind girl. She Is described by the author as a girl who own curled golden hair and blue eyes. As an aristocratic young girl, Amy dreamt of marrying a wealthy man, which became true that achieved by marrying Laurie. Since Amy is the youngest one in her family, she was often bullied by her sisters In some sense. When they had a role play in the family, Amy always acted the character which as abandoned by everyone.She compromised to her sisters even though she already said that she would not. At the end, she gave up on art because she thought herself to be lacking of talent. Nevertheless, she had a happiness marriage with Laurie and gave birth to a daughter. The movie vs.. The book The movie Is edited and adjusted based on the director's comprehension. Writing about the differences between the book and the movie of The Little Women, I want to focus on two main aspects: the story and the characterization.The first two chapters of the book are cut down In the film. In addition, several significant details are disappeared In the film, such as the conservation between Joy and her mother talking about how Joy could control her Irritable temper and the endeavor Amy made for being a grace lady. The lack of the details results In the ambiguous presentation of the character's personality. We cannot see fully the tomboyish nature on Joy and the challenge she faces because of this personality which Is wrote In details In the book.What's more, there Is no mention about Beet's bashfulness. I am not aware of how shy Beth Is until reading the book. Actually, the film and the novel are obviously different on the story and the depiction of the character. Analysis of Little Women By Militarily in my opinion, she is a very kind girl. She is described by the author as a girl who Amy is the younge st one in her family, she was often bullied by her sisters in some The movie is edited and adjusted based on the director's comprehension. Writing of the book are cut down in the film.In addition, several significant details are disappeared in the film, such as the conservation between Joy and her mother talking about how Joy could control her irritable temper and the endeavor Amy made for being a grace lady. The lack of the details results in the ambiguous presentation of challenge she faces because of this personality which is wrote in details in the book. What's more, there is no mention about Beet's bashfulness. I am not aware of how shy Beth is until reading the book. Actually, the film and the novel are obviously
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
CAM Practioners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CAM Practioners - Essay Example The first attempt I made to contact a CAM is successful, and Simon Brad for to an interview. The CAM agrees to let me observe him while he is doing his work. He is a traditional alternative medicine practitioner specializing in acupuncture. Brad argues that there are situations where normal medicine does not offer solutions to patients. The patients end up seeking for alternative methods to get well. He agrees to carry out a massage on the legs of a patient while in the interview. Brad has a tight schedule; he can spare an hour of his time. He says most hospitals have policies on the extent to which their patients can rely on CAM practitioners. About having policies, the hospitals refer their patients to specific CAM practitioners. Brad argues that he has a fifteen-year experience in the field. He can work with other individuals with specific needs. He gives an example that a patient with glaucoma should not try specific yoga poses because it will affect them. He says that he is always willing to with normal hospitals if they can cooperate with him. He finds it hard to work orthodox hospitals because they always undermine his knowledge (Ben-Arye et al., 2010). Ben-Arye, E., Traube, Z., Schachter, L., Haimi, M., Levy, M., Schiff, E., & Lev, E. (2010). Integrative Pediatric Care: Parents Attitudes Toward Communication of Physicians and CAM Practitioners. PEDIATRICS, 127(1), e84-e95. doi:10.1542/peds.2010-1286 Eng, J., Verhoef, M., Mulkins, A., & Findlay, B. (2003). Optimal healing from the CAM practitionersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ perspective. Focus On Alternative And Complementary Therapies, 8(4), 495-496.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Artifact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Artifact - Essay Example They are a source of comfort and give us the opportunity to connect with ourselves when alone. I don’t consider the rocking chair as a piece of furniture but something that I can resort to when I need to rejoice the moments spent with my grandfather or when I need sometime for myself away from the noise and pollution of this world. These rocking chairs add to the household making the entire environment very comfortable. The rocking chair is practically affiliated with Americans who have immense love for this wonderful creation. The origin of this ornament is quite controversial as we do not really find how or why this was designed. Although the first rocking chair was skates attached to a chair. With time this conventional design was modernized to the recent form. It is estimated that the rocking chair resulted from two distinct pieces of furniture that is a cradle and a rocking horse during the eighteenth century. Both these ornaments are generally associated to children who relax and rejoice on them. The cradle and the rocking horse were found to give immense pleasure to little ones hence with the passage of time a similar thing was designed for adults that would give them the same joy and comfort. It will not be wrong to say that the rocking chair gives a modern touch to sleep. The rocking chair at my home is an antique wooden chair made out of dark oak wood which has been carved to perfection. The basic design is similar to a conventional rocking chair that moves front and back which are joint to the legs of it. Further is has a curved shape to support my backbone. There is a faint shine on it. This rocking chair makes squeaky voices in particular; furthermore in order to give a modern touch to the rocking chair I have accessorized it with floral summery cushions giving a pleasant feel overall. The rocking chair has far more to offer than just comfort and relaxation. Like I mentioned earlier,
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Management Managerial Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management Managerial Process - Essay Example In fact, there is no technique or method that could ensure that a risk would not occur during the project. In this scenario, every project manager is well aware of the fact that they have to deal with a variety of risk all the way through the project life cycle. In the context of a project, a risk can be an action or event that can have an effect on the project. However, the nature of this effect can be either positive or negative. Additionally, a risk can have a cause and it takes place in the result of an event. For example, a cause can be related to changes in scheduling which can affect other activities of the project. In addition, the majority of the project risks can affect project duration, budget, schedule, and quality. Moreover, project risks are managed through project risk management approach. In this scenario, risk management is the process of identifying and managing project risks. Figure 1Risk Management Process, Image Source: (Gray, Larson and Desai 209) (Gray, Larson and Desai 207) presented a risk management model to deal with project risks. Figure1 presents a graphical representation of this model. This model is divided into different phases and each phase performs specific tasks. The first phase is risk identification where a detailed analysis is carried out on the project in order to determine the sources of risks. At this phase, the project management team determines the holes that can cause any risk during the project. Once this phase is completed this process moves to the next phase that is known as risk assessment. At this stage, the project management team further analyzes the identified risks. In this scenario, they analyze these risks on the basis of their severity level, probability and so on. For instance, if a risk occurs then what impact it will have on the project. After the completion of this phase, this process moves to the next phase that is known as the risk response and development phase. At this stage, a project management team develops the strategy or plan to deal with identified risks. At this stage, the project team finds the solutions to minimize the impact of these risks on the overall project. The last stage of this process is known as risk response control. This phase involves monitoring and controlling the project risk strategy (Gray, Larson and Desai 209). A risk is anything that may potentially hinder with successful completion of the project or business task (CIO Archive; Kerzner). A project can involve a wide variety of risks. Some of the well-known kinds of risk can include: Time Risk This kind of risks is very common in projects. In this scenario, the time duration for the completion of a project can increase, which can create various problems for the project management team such as the need for additional resources and budget. Cost Risk The majority of projects has fixed budget and the project team needs to complete a project within this budget limitation. However, in some cases, the pr oject budget can increase which cause various problems for the project. Legal Risk International projects involve the execution of project tasks in various countries so it can require compliance with laws and regulations of these countries. In case of not following these rules and regulations can cause serious problems for the project and organization. Technological Risks Some projects involve the implementation of latest tools and technologies.
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